Conduct the study described in your proposal

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131646656

Assessment Task: Project Report

Note: graphs, statistical output and appendices do not count towards word limit.

Purpose: The purpose of this task is to give you ‘hands on' practice at conducting and reporting on a quantitative research study.

Task: To conduct the study described in your proposal (with appropriate changes if required based on feedback from your proposal), collect the data, describe, analyse, interpret, present and discuss findings.

Format: The final report will be based on the sections of a journal article as described in chapter 1 of the text book (Reading Statistics and Research by S. Huck), you may also like to read published papers from your area of interest. However your report will likely contain much less in the introduction; and more detailed information about the statistical analysis; and, more graphs than in a typical published paper:

- Abstract: It is always best to write the abstract last as this must summarise the whole paper; many journals split the abstract up into the same sections as the paper, except that there is only 1 or 2 sentences per section, and no graphs.

- Introduction: This should include one or two paragraphs of background information about the topic of interest. Your introduction should end with a statement of purpose: the research question (see chapter 1 of the text book).

- Methods: This should contain your setting and population of interest, sampling strategy, variables and measures (include the information from your proposal with any changes that were made prior to collecting data), and procedure. Summarise how you will analyse your data (which techniques, eg a General Linear Model; and which software, eg SPSS version 22).

- Results:
o Participant characteristics:
- Describe your final sample (including refusals and drop outs), include a short table of demographic descriptive statistics.
o Statistical analysis:
- Each outcome should have its own subsection, you will most likely have 1 outcome variable and be analysed using a general linear model. (It is possible you are doing something slightly different and you can check this with your course coordinator). The analysis should include:
- Statement of null and alternative hypotheses.
- Relevant graphical and numerical summaries of the data
- Correct choice of statistical technique in testing the hypotheses
- Check assumptions relevant to the techniques being used
- Appropriate conclusion for each hypothesis based on the data collected.

- Discussion:Interpret what your results mean in everyday language. The discussion may include:
o Interpret your results within the context of the study - for example, can the results be generalised?
o Whether you can identify any trends, consistencies or anomalies, and if so, can you give a possible explanation?
o Whether the outcome met expectations, or whether there were any mishaps or unforeseen events that affected results?
o Any limitations or biases in the research (such as sample sizes, sample selection, assumptions of the procedures not being met, difficulties in the data collection, etc.)
o How the identified problems could be reduced or eliminated if you could repeat the research. You might include areas for future research.
o The final paragraph of your discussion should provide a conclusion to the research, referring back to the original research question.

- Appendices: you must include:
o Appendix: Show the relevant computer output from SPSS (just cut and paste it in case I need to check any of your analysis; if you have used a forwards or backwards stepwise procedure then you can just include the first and last models as this output will be quite lengthy).
o As a separate file: Upload your SPSSfile which should contain the raw data.

Word count: 2000-3000 words

Attachment:- Project Report.rar

Verified Expert

This task provides a clear working example on descriptive statistics, frequency distribution and cross tabulation. Chi - Square test for independence was used to determine the association between BMI and Gender and also between BMI and Age. the study finds the factors that influences the obesity of young adults

Reference no: EM131646656

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11/27/2017 4:22:48 AM

Very satisfied with the assignment Thanks aloT Was made in time Did not have to keep on doing the explaining like othet websites. asked them for many helps many times and walla! They always helped me. Thanks to the person i spoke to as well.


11/27/2017 4:22:33 AM

25082185_2Proforma.docx The research topic is changed its suppose to be obesity relation with sleeping hours in children. Please could you just check my topic and see if it works could you please send me the data u used to calculate this , I mean the age,weight,height etc of the children u used of all the 22 students the reference for the BMI standars where did u get that from, I want the reference of every word you wrote the reference for unserweight, normal or obese BMI


11/27/2017 4:22:27 AM

You have to go the the island software of week three and choose one island and school from there and collect data, you have to mention the island name I have sent my assignment format and my research proposal also and still if you have any query please do update me. You have to select a school from the Island which I have mentioned, its in the PUB 708 subject- learning material of weeek -3. you have to mention the island that you select the school from because my research is in school children so to get the sample u just have to got to a school in any of the island collect the data on the parameters i have proposed in my propoasl and prove the research question whether it has association or not. 25082185_1ProjectProposal 2017.docx


11/27/2017 4:16:47 AM

u can use the access to my blackboard where u get all the details for the assignment My college website is and my blackboard ID is password is * and the subject is 708 and the assignment details are there and you have the island software is in week 3 learning material you have to get into the isalnd ask questions and i have made a proposal for my assignment try using spss system mainly the graph n all Hey may I know how is my assignment going ? any issue i have my research question is on Is there association of obesity with sleep duration in school children between age 9- 12 years? a cross-sectional study. and we have to take one school from the island which i have mentioned and collect the data from there and do the statistics and bar daigram and curves from there. I have sent my research proposal please i want my assignment soon. I have given my parameters i have to check in my research proposal.


9/18/2017 2:37:35 AM

the project has to be doen from a fake software given to us called the ISLAND - Appendix: Show the relevant computer output from SPSS (just cut and paste it in case I need to check any of your analysis; if you have used a forwards or backwards stepwise procedure then you can just include the first and last models as this output will be quite lengthy).

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