Conduct the follow-up tests if josephs assumption is satisfy

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132403750

AEE 521 Basic Applied Data Analysis in Agricultural and Extension Education

Data Exercise

Suppose Joseph is interested in knowing whether any relationship exists between student's gender and their selection of ice-cream flavor. Joseph conducted a pilot study with 200 freshman college students to examine his assumption. He collected data on student's gender using a
nominal scale (0 = male and 1 = female) and student's selection of ice-cream flavor also using a nominal scale (1 = vanilla, 2 = chocolate, and 3 = strawberry). Please test the Joseph's assumption using the data provided. Please also conduct the follow-up tests if Joseph's assumption is satisfied. The data from the study are available in the attached AEE521 Data Exercise 8-ice_cream.sav file.

Conduct the appropriate statistical test at α = .05 using SPSS. Please conduct descriptive analysis, appropriate statistical assumption tests, and appropriate statistical test statistics analysis. When you are submitting the assignment, please provide write-up (should include description of results, statistical assumptions, and interpretation of findings), SPSS output, and SPSS syntax from your analysis. For write-up, please follow appropriate format from your profession's specific journal.

Reference no: EM132403750

Questions Cloud

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Conduct the follow-up tests if josephs assumption is satisfy : AEE 521 Basic Applied Data Analysis in Agricultural and Extension Education Assignment Help and Solutions, Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Applied Statistics Questions & Answers

  Hypothesis testing

What assumptions about the number of pedestrians passing the location in an hour are necessary for your hypothesis test to be valid?

  Calculate the maximum reduction in the standard deviation

Calculate the maximum reduction in the standard deviation

  Calculate the expected value, variance, and standard deviati

Calculate the expected value, variance, and standard deviation of the total income

  Determine the impact of social media use on student learning

Research paper examines determine the impact of social media use on student learning.

  Unemployment survey

Find a statistics study on Unemployment and explain the five-step process of the study.

  Statistical studies

Locate the original poll, summarize the poling procedure (background on how information was gathered), the sample surveyed.

  Evaluate the expected value of the total number of sales

Evaluate the expected value of the total number of sales

  Statistic project

Identify sample, population, sampling frame (if applicable), and response rate (if applicable). Describe sampling technique (if applicable) or experimental design

  Simple data analysis and comparison

Write a report on simple data analysis and comparison.

  Analyze the processed data in statistical survey

Analyze the processed data in Statistical survey.

  What is the probability

Find the probability of given case.

  Frequency distribution

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