Conduct research on the solar lighting industry

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131862707

Case Assignment

Read the d.light case located at Barringer& Ireland text, page 212-215.

Conduct research on the solar lighting industry and identify companies in this industry segment.

Answer these questions based on library and industry references, using APA referencing format. For example in the body of the paper when you make statements based on your research insert the reference for that, for example (Amatucci, 2017) and list the reference at the end in the References section.

1. Compare the approach that d.light took to setting up the company with the approach of other companies in the industry segment. List the main companies who compete in the segment. How are they different or similar to d.light?

2. Why did d.light choose to be a for-profit company rather than a not-for-profit company? Explain the advantages and disadvantages for the company.
Do you agree with this decision? Why or why not?

3. Explain why d.light is based in the Cayman Islands, although founded in San Francisco.

4. Describe the organizational setup of d.light [how and where do they operate]?

5. Research the funding for d.light - what type of funding did they receive in the beginning and which company led the funding? Why do you think this company would lead the funding?

6. List all the investors in d.light and amounts of investment.

7. Give recommendations for future development of the company.

Verified Expert

The main study in the case has been evaluated as a research study on D. Light, Inc. It has revolved around the sustainability of the company in the cut throat competition in the solar power energy industry. The paper has put down the organizational structure with its profitable place of business aspects in Cayman Islands and the reason for this establishment. The major factor for the company's success is the formula of economic business globally and most significant is its emergence as a leader in green energy in major countries where it has made electricity and energy easily accessible to all communities.

Reference no: EM131862707

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