Conduct research on an activist group

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Reference no: EM131862336

Discussion Prompt A: Heath Care Systems

Pick an industrialized nation other than the United States and research their health care system. Describe the type of health care provided to citizens: universal, private, single-payer, etc. Compare and contrast the system to that of the United States keeping in the mind the concepts in your text such as infant mortality rate, and access to preventative care, etc. Be detailed in your response and remember to cite your sources.

Discussion Prompt B: Sparking Social Change

Read the Data Workshop on pages 475-476 in your textbook. Conduct research on an activist group as described and answer questions 1-5.

1. Describe the activist group you chose. Identify the group's commitment to a larger social movement or cause, and discuss its particular goals.

2. How is the group attempting to use resource mobilization for their cause? What are their strategies regarding these three important activities?
a. recruiting members and organizing supporters
b. raising funds
c. transforming public opinion and/or achieving change

3. Describe the group's media campaign. What different forms of media do they use to convey their message? Which do you think is most successful? Least successful? Why?

4. In addition to the use of media, what other strategies does the group use to achieve its goals? For instance, does the group organize rallies or protests or participate in community events? (These activities may be connected to larger media strategies: for example, a film screening or protest march might be advertised to attract greater support, or be covered in the news)

5. How effective is the group at convincing others to join the cause? What kind of reaction did they elicit from you? How might they improve their recruiting efforts?

Post your responses the discussion board and remember to cite all of the sources you used. Think about what you have read and learned in this class. What can you do in your own life to spark social change? Provide an example of how you problem solve in your own community.

Provide an outside source. APA format

Attachment:- Data Workshop.pdf

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In the assignment we have conducted the study over the healthcare system of Canada. Further in the assignment we have studied Data workshop and answer few of the questions mentioned in the paper.

Reference no: EM131862336

Questions Cloud

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4/18/2018 5:04:09 AM

I will have to pass, unless I can use my points to make up the difference. Points with my cash I am unable to locate a few of the sources. Weller & Manga (1983) and Thomas. It is not cited in the reference and I tried to locate it online. This is available online, sometimes you do not get just from search in google. I am saying that in the paper, you put the source that you used in the reference part and I can find it in order to properly cite it and give credit to the author. well done.


2/14/2018 4:14:39 AM

APA format No minimum words Attached is a scanned copy of my two pages in the textbook. Attached is the scanned copy of the Data Workshop What can you do in your own life to spark social change? Provide an example of how you problem solve in your own community.

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