Conduct research and state a proposal

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Reference no: EM132215826

Question: As you have discovered through this course, nurses are influential members of the community and the political system. Therefore, for the purposes of this assignment you will identify a problem or concern in your community, organization, etc. that has the capacity to be legislated. You will conduct research and state a proposal. Through the legislative process, your proposal for the problem or concern may influence an idea for change into a law.

First, refer to the "How a Bill Becomes a Law" media.

Then, view the "Bill to Law Process" to watch the scenario.

After viewing the scenario, refer to the "Legislative Assignment." You will need to save the document first in order to use it.

Submit the assignment to the instructor. You also reserve the right to submit your completed proposal to the respective government official. However, this is optional. If you select to submit your proposal as a part of the legislative process, refer to "Find Your Representative" or research the contact information on your own.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Reference no: EM132215826

Questions Cloud

Employee benefits constitute : Employee benefits constitute. To obtain employee input regarding benefits packages, employers often use.
Explain the reimbursement rules for never events : Discuss how the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reimbursement rules for never events required a shift in the patient care delivery model.
Represent on average what portion of payroll costs : According to a recent U.S. Chamber of Commerce study, employee benefits represent on average what portion of payroll costs?
Compute the return on invested in the security : Compute the return on $100.00 invested in the security by a 0.3% filter rule (without short sales) and compare this strategy to a buy and hold policy
Conduct research and state a proposal : As you have discovered through this course, nurses are influential members of the community and the political system. Therefore, for the purposes.
Identify the mission and vision statements of the company : escribein a total of 175 words the strategic, tactical, and operational plans employed by the company.
Flexible benefit plans : "Reasonable accommodation" to persons with AIDS refers to all the following except. Flexible benefit plans.
Describe department likely to exist within the organization : Prompt: If you have not already done so, select one of the two organizations below (Venice Family Clinic or Joslin Diabetes Center) on which to base your final.
What are the legal implications : Employee performance appraisals have been a practice by numerous organizations for centuries. What are the legal implications?


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