Reference no: EM133172490
Conduct own social engineering experiments.
1. While at a restaurant, convenience store, bank, place of business, or any shopping location, ask you waiter or waitress, bartender, server, sales clerk, or cashier personal questions about their family or their interests.How much information are you able to obtain about this person you do not know?
Name, address, age, religion, political beliefs, place of birth, pets, hobbies, number of children, type of car they drive, or any other information you think you can obtain.
Measure value of information systems and technology
: Develop metrics to measure the value of information systems and technology. Explore integration between IT leadership roles and system acquisition options.
Describe how they integrate to generate value for company
: Describe how they integrate to generate value for the company. Are there any ethical concerns in the way they are using IS?
Create graphical depiction of dikw model
: Create a graphical depiction of the DIKW model relevant to your selected organization. Describe the knowledge gained by the organization.
Cloud computing-cloud computing security risks
: Many organizations have adopted cloud computing. In this assignment, you will research cloud computing and explore its advantages and disadvantages.
Conduct own social engineering experiments
: While at a restaurant, convenience store, bank, place of business, or any shopping location, ask you waiter or waitress, bartender, server,
Information technology and mobile application
: Provide reflection of how knowledge, skills or theories of course have been applied or could be applied, in practical manner to your current work environment
Compare the pros and cons of co-location
: Compare the pros and cons of co-location. Discuss factors that should influence a firm's pricing strategy.
Home depot-competitive force and value chain
: Describe how Information Systems assists Home Depot in implementing their value chains for competitive advantage.
Complete challenge activities
: You are graded on the accuracy of your performance for these activities and haveunlimited attempts.