Reference no: EM131694918
Police Foundation, 2003: Grant #2002-CK-WX-0303
Disorder Reduction in Green Bay, Wisconsin
• Broadway Street was a high-crime area marked by litter, broken alcohol bottles, and homeless people who were often drunk and disorderly. Sixteen taverns operated in a three-block area.
• Interviews conducted with residents and business owners.
• Analysis of offense reports revealed that approximately 20 people were responsible for most of the complaints. Problem taverns produced shootings, stabbings, and prostitution.
• Analysis of building designs highlighted many deficiencies (e.g., dark alleys).
• Enforcement of public ordinances on open intoxicants, trespassing, and lewd behavior.
• Gain cooperation from liquor store and tavern owners in denying alcohol to habitually intoxicated people.
• Improved maintenance, lighting, and access control.
• The area exnerienred a 65% redurtinn in nnhira rant and a 91% redurtinn in demand for rescue services to handle injuries stemming from assaults.
Five problematic taverns were closed through joint efforts by community policing officers and citizens.
Source: Police Executive Research Forum. (1999). Etcellence hn problem orlented policing: The Henn= Goldstel» award winners. Washington. DC: Author.
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