Conduct information flow audit and then a technology audit

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131436716


What's happening today?

You conduct an "information flow audit" and then a "technology audit." You discover that many of the tellers have been running the 2 p.m. reconciliation procedures in the incorrect order. Instead of running close, register, consolidate/merge, and then post, many tellers have been running close, register, post, ending with consolidate/merge. The problem is, once the teller hits the post button, there is nothing to consolidate and merge! You also discover that the prompt screen for consolidate/merge has not been consistently appearing and that the tellers assumed that, because the system did not ask them to deal with it, the system was doing it automatically--especially since it does so many other things automatically!

Some of the more experienced tellers have said that on the rare occasion when the screen did appear, they couldn't see the icon very well and admitted that it's possible they didn't place the cursor squarely on the icon when they clicked the mouse.

You take this issue to your boss, Terry Woodall, who is horrified and instructs you to "get on it right away." You get your IT team on the problem and fix the system by (1) insuring the correct prompt screen appears and by (2) enlarging the consolidate/merge icon and placing it in a more prominent area of the screen.

What do you need to do?

You tell your boss you have fixed the technical problem. She asks that you, as department head of IT, communicate to the tellers how IT has fixed the problem and what the tellers need to do. This information will be posted in the break room and also be circulated immediately to the tellers. Craft the body of that document.

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

Reference no: EM131436716

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