Conduct independent research into Cyber Kill Chain phase

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Reference no: EM132225720 , Length: word count:800

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Phase 2 of the Cyber Kill Chain is Weaponization. Weaponization is the coupling of a remote access trojan with an exploit into a deliverable payload, typically by means of an automated tool (weaponizer). Increasingly, client application data files such as Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) or Microsoft Office documents serve as the weaponized deliverable.

Conduct independent research into this phase of the Cyber Kill Chain and complete a 2-3 page narrative (double spaced) discussing what software can be used to conduct this activity. Then, play the role of a consultant and advise a fictional Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) on how a countermeasure for this activity.

Reference no: EM132225720

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2/1/2019 2:53:39 AM

Need 800 + words. Demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s). Makes appropriate and powerful connection between the issues identified and the strategic concepts studied in the reading. Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate recommendations clearly supported by the information presented and concepts from the reading. All are reliable authorities.

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