Conduct independent investigation

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132222764

Content Analysis Assignment

The topics are as followed: A:The Data Link Layer (Layer 2) B:The Transport Layer (Layer 4) C:Cloud and Mobile networks


This assignment has three major aims:

• To help students gain good understanding of all ITECH1102 theoretical and practical material.
• To encourage students to use content analysis summaries to prepare for tests, examinations and to help their understanding of theoretical concepts.
• To encourage students to conduct independent investigation into networking related topics from books, the Internet and through practical investigation.

Timelines and Expectations

Students are required to analyse three topics based on students' surname from the weekly lecture material of topics 1 to 8 and create concise content analysissummaries of the theoretical concepts contained in the course lecture slides. The content analysis for each topic should not exceed approximately five (5) A4 sides of paper if that topics content were printed.

Where the lab content orinformation contained in technical articles from the Internet or books helps to fully describe the lecture slide content, discussion of such theoretical articles or discussion of the lab material should be included in the content analysis.

Suggestions as to possible inclusions in your content analysis will appear in weekly Work Plan documents on Moodle.

The ultimate aim of this assessment task is to help ITECH1102 students to fully comprehend the course material and hence help them to pass tests and the examination.

By the start of week 10 all students should have completed their content analysis for three topics based on the surname.

Learning Outcomes

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:
• K1. Describe and explain the role and function of network connectivity in current computing.
• K2. Describe and explain the principles of communication in networks.
• K3. Describe the role and functionality of hardware and software entities that contribute to network communications.
• K4. Describe and explain the protocols and interactions that implement network communications.
• K6. Describe fundamental aspects of cloud computing.
• A1. Apply networking architecture knowledge to analyze the networking needs for business.

Assessment Details

At the start of week 10 details will be available in the assessment section of Moodle as to the specific topics each student must submit.

All work submitted must be authored by the student submitting the work or where material from other sources is included it must be referenced using APA referencing.

Students found to have plagiarised will be dealt with according to university regulations.

The specifictopics depends on your surname:
• Surnames starting with A - G Topics 4,5 & 6
• Surnames starting with H - Z Topics 4,6 & 8

Attachment:- Content Analysis Assignment.rar

Verified Expert

The present solution describes information technology related models. the solution comprises of description for three topics, as given in the instruction file. All the given instructions and rubrics were followed while preparing the solution. The references used while collecting the information are given in APA format at the end. All the contents present are unique and is free from any type of plagiarism. In total, the solution comprises of more than 1,300 words and is supplied in Microsoft Office Word document files.

Reference no: EM132222764

Questions Cloud

Discuss what are rights and responsibilities of shareholders : Discuss what are the rights and responsibilities of shareholders, stating your views on the rights and responsibilities conferred by statute and common law.
Improving the product to increase customer satisfaction : Company “A” puts new products on the market and uses market research to find ways of improving the product to increase customer satisfaction.
Inventory held downstream of the bottleneck process : Inventory held downstream of the bottleneck process is represents which of the following?
Purchasing and manufacturing in high volume to reduce cost : Purchasing and manufacturing in high volume to reduce cost per unit is referred to as?
Conduct independent investigation : Content Analysis Assignment
Calculate the level of consumption : Now we will calculate the level of consumption that would have occurred if Uncle Sam did not raise taxes.
Contribute to a british current account surplus : Which of the following transactions could contribute to a British current account surplus? Explain why for each transaction.
What should the firm do in the short run : A firm sells 1,000 units per week. It charges $70 per unit, the average variable costs are $25, and the average costs are $65.
Calculate the price index for each good using : The following two tables represent the price and quantity of the goods produced within an economy in 2015 & 2016.



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Engagement with this assignment should help students to prepare for the laboratory test (10%) in week 7, the theory test (0%) in week 8 and the end of semester examination (60%).Students are required to submit a Microsoft word or pdf file to Moodle by 11.55pm on Sunday 27th. Marking and Marking Guidelines Marks will be available in Moodle and in FDLMarks by the end of week 12 of semester. Students required working on three topics marking guide for each topic is as follows: Content precisely presented based on references 10 Marks Presentation (Layout, no grammatical errors, reads well, etc.) 3 Marks Cited references 2 Marks Total marks for each topic 15 Marks Total marks for three topics 45 Marks Total mark for this assignment 15 Marks

Write a Review

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