Conduct clinical trial overseas- critical response questions

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Reference no: EM13257652

Be sure to carefully read each question and answer each part of the question. Remember that you are required to cite the primary text in each response. See the instruction sheet for full instructions.


Pharmaceutical companies sometimes decide to conduct clinical trials overseas, because running trials there is cheaper. It is also the case that laws governing the design of the tests and treatment of test participants are more lax. In the last 15 years, there have been cases (in India, Uganda, Nigeria, and other countries) in which patients received experimental drugs without being aware that they were participants in a clinical trial (case 1). In other cases in which participants were aware that they were taking part in a trial, the trial was not halted when serious side effects in, or the death of, some participants occurred (case 2), and those who became ill as a result of their participation in a trial were not given proper medical care (case 3). Patients in developing countries who receive drugs may feel compelled to participate or stay in trials as this is a means to getting other healthcare for themselves or their families. What might the maxims of the drug companies be in these cases? From a Kantian perspective, is (all or some) such treatment wrong, and if so, why? How would the first two versions of the categorical imperative apply to these kinds of treatment? Do these acts fall under some sorts of acts that Kantian deontology counts as wrong? Explain enough of Kant's theory to explain whether he would find these practices wrong, and if so why.

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Reference no: EM13257652

Questions Cloud

Determine the book value of the goodwill : Determine the book value of the goodwill on December 31, 2008, prior to making the impairment adjustment. Illustrate the effects on the accounts and financial statements of the December 31, 2008, adjustment for the goodwill impairment.
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What will the carrying value of the bonds be on december : What would be the answer to this question and how did you figure it? A company issues $20,000,000, 7.8%, 20-year bonds to yield 8%on January 1, 2007.
Case-venture company : Venture Company acquired patent rights on January 3, 2005, for$661,500. The patent has a useful life equal to its legal life of 15 years. On January 5, 2008, Venture successfully defended the patent in a lawsuit at a cost of $105,000.
Conduct clinical trial overseas- critical response questions : Remember that you are required to cite the primary text in each response. See the instruction sheet for full instructions.
Determine the electric potential energy of this group : Four identical charges (+3.0µ C each) are brought from infinity and fixed to a straight line. Determine the electric potential energy of this group
What is the sharpe ratio of the complete portfolio : What is the standard deviation of returns for the mutual fund? Is it higher or lower than the standard deviation found in part 2? Why?
What is youngs modulus of the string : A guitar string of diameter 0.6 mm and length 0.74 m is subject to a tension of 140 N. what is Young's modulus of the string
What is the total value of these amounts : An investment is expected to pay $300 at the end of year 3, $500 at the end of year 5, and $300 at the end of year 7. What is the total value of these amounts as of today if discount rate is 6%?


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