Conduct an interview with the healthcare professional

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Reference no: EM132341659

Globalization Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore the relationship between increasing globalization and the need for cultural competence in health care by interviewing a person with experience in this field.

1. Conduct an interview with the healthcare professional selected in your Interview Assignment. Ask the following questions as well as three additional questions of your own.

• What is your healthcare profession? How long have you worked in this field? In what kind of facility do you practice?
• How racially, ethnically, religiously, or sexually diverse is the community your facility serves?
• How racially, ethnically, religiously, or sexually diverse is the staff at your facility?
• What changes- increases or decreases in specific populations -- have you observed in the workplace with patients and staff over time?
• If there has been an increase in diversity, what changes, if any, has your facility made to accommodate this diversity, such as diversity training, providing interpretation services, etc.?
• Describe an experience you have participated in, observed, or heard aboutin which cultural or other differences have caused problems for patients and/or staff.
• What factors came into play (such as stereotyping, prejudice, assumptions, etc.) and what was the outcome?
• In your view, how well was this situation handled?
• If faced with a similar scenario,what, if anything, would you change about how it was handled? If you would not change anything, what advice would you give to another healthcare professional else facing the same kind of situation?
• Have your personal attitudes towards diversity changed over time? If so, how have they changed? If not, why?

2. Produce a visually appealing, well organized, and informative PowerPoint of approximately 10 slides in which you:
• Introduce your interviewee.
• Summarize the interview answers.
• Identify the two most valuable answers and explain why you consider them important.
• Share how you will apply what you learned from this interview to your own work in healthcare.

Health Informatics Assignment

Health informatics is a multidisciplinary field that utilizes technology to deploy information to other systems and to patients. For this assignment, you will explore the various pieces and options that go into this.

Using peer reviewed literature from the PMI library or Google Scholar, explore and explain the history of health informatics, the areas it is currently being used, and some future options. Include an explanation of the regulatory role of the Office of National Coordinator.

Your paper should be two full pages (not including cover and reference page), double-spaced, fully researched and in-text citations. There are many journal articles available on this broad topic, so the research should be very straightforward on this assignment.

Provide a separate reference page at the end with complete information (not just pasted URLs).

Note: I want you to be as the interviewee is Martin Mensa RN-MN at cypress hospital in 290. He being working there, since June 2014. You can get the answer to the question anywhere you want. This is for the globalization assignment.

Verified Expert

The report is in two parts, the word file about health informatics history and the presentation about the interview with health care professional in ppt. About 10 slides are provided.References are given in the word file.

Reference no: EM132341659

Questions Cloud

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Conduct an interview with the healthcare professional : Conduct an interview with the healthcare professional selected in your Interview Assignment. Ask the following questions as well as three additional questions
Procedures and performance-measurement : 1) Undertake work according to agreed project scope-management plan 2) established change-control procedures and performance-measurement procedures
Do you agree or disagree with these results : Complete the Resistance to Change Questionnaire and view your results. Share your chart in the response.
Is the monument representational or nonrepresentational : How is the monument meant to be experienced? Who or what is commemorated/represented? Is the monument representational or nonrepresentational?
Describe an effective change management program : 1. How can culture facilitate change? 2. Describe an effective change management program.



7/18/2019 10:59:11 PM

Provide a separate reference page at the end with complete information (not just pasted URLs). Save your file as aWord document (.doc or .docx) Include the term Healthand your Last Name when saving your file. Example: Health_Smith.docx Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button. Points Possible:35 4 points for an introduction that clearly describes the purpose of your paper 3 points for an appropriate conclusion 20 points for body paragraphs that explain the history of health informatics, describe what the term means, areas currently used, future options, and role of ONC 8 points for writing level


7/18/2019 10:59:01 PM

the name I want you to be as the interviewee is Martin Mensa RN-MN at cypress hospital in 290 .he being working there, since June 2014. you can get the answer to the question anywhere you want. this is for the globalization assignment.

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