Conduct an internet search of a reputable training

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13769537

Conduct an Internet search of a reputable training and development professional organization such as those listed below, and select a current article about HRD and organizational effectiveness.

Write a critical analysis of the article you selected using researched sources on this subject. The critique should be 2 pages in length (Times New Roman font, 12 point type, double spaced) in APA format and citation style, and should include a minimum of one outside source from a recognized journal to support your analysis.

Professional Organizations you might consider:

The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD),
Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM),
National Staff Development and Training Association (NSDTA),
The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)
The National Training Laboratories (NTL)
Development Dimensions International (DDI)

Reference no: EM13769537

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