Conduct an international marketing research

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13943968 , Length: word count:2500

Individual International research and Marketing Plan assignment and presentation

Students are required to choose a local product e.g. VB, Vegemite, Haigh Chocolate, Beqa Cheese etc. (product which is going to be launched in a potential overseas country of your choice) and conduct an international marketing research.

The research should include environment analysis (economic, financial, competitor, cultural & social, political & legal, and technological etc,),entry strategies, marketing strategies (market selection & entry. product initiatives. pricing, distribution and promotion, etc), other opportunities, evaluation conclusion S. recommendations.

International Marketing Plan
Table of Content
Executive Summary
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Background of Company/Product
3.0 Description of Product (Standardization vs. Adaptation)
4.0 Country Selected
5.0 SWOT Analysis
6.0 Market Segmentation Analysis
6.1 Demographic
6.2 Geographic
6.3 Psychographic
6.4 Behavioural
7.0 Entry Strategies
8.0 Marketing Mix Strategies
8.1 Product
8.2 Price
8.3 Promotion
8.4 Distribution
9.0 Timeline (Gantt Chart)
10.0 Monitoring and Control
11.0 Conclusion
12.0 References
13.0 Appendixes

Reference no: EM13943968

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