Conduct an industry and market analysis for your company

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131385387

Assignment 1

Conduct an Industry and Market analysis for your company (or a company with which you are very familiar)

1. Situation Analysis

o Macroenvironment (at least three variables)

o Company (identify strengths and weaknesses)

o Competitors (just the main two or three)

o Customers


3. Identify main Problem/Opportunity from the TOWS

Assignment 2 Re-design your company's current offer to address Point 3.0 1.0 Segment the market in at least three ways 2.0 Select and describe a Target for your (newly tweaked) offer 3.0 Position your offer against your major competitor/s 4.0 Design your Marketing Plan

o 4/7 Ps

o Strategic Fit

Select a company

Select a "solution"

Launch a new product

Go to a new market

Introduce a new brand

Cover page

Report details

Your details

My details

Our details

Exec summary

What this report is about- company and a marketing plan

For what you did - the "solution"

How did you do - Segments, 4Ps and recommendations (if any)


Report introduction

Say what is this

What are main sections and tools (theory will be used)

Company selected

Refer to the situation analysis you did

Objective - Solution should be briefly mentioned



Strategic fit




Attachment:- hyundai_motors.rar

Reference no: EM131385387

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