Conduct a toolbox talk on a hazard identified

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Reference no: EM132266342 , Length: word count:2000

Assessment 1

Performance objective

You must be able to research and conduct a toolbox talk on a hazard identified within the workplace scenario provided in consultation with your work team, as well as provide effective workplace training and coaching/mentoring. This assessment is broken into parts A and B i.e. Toolbox Talk and Training.

Assessment description

You must select, research, and conduct a toolbox talk on a hazard identified within the workplace scenario provided in consultation your work team. Toolbox talks are regularly delivered to small groups in the workplace and highlight workplace health and safety issues. Once you have delivered your talk, you will then need to use the Standard Operating Procedure on Hazard and Incident Reporting (which will be given to you by your assessor) to train your team on that procedure. Your assessor will organise your work team.


Part A: Toolbox talk
Read the workplace scenario provided in the appendix. Once you have read the scenario, your assessor will organise your work team for you. You will then be required to:

1. Consult with the team to identify a hazard. The kinds of hazards you can choose from include:
a. physical hazards
b. mechanical hazards
c. chemical hazards
d. sources of energy
2. Conduct research into the hazard by consulting with your work team and reviewing the workplace scenario provided.
3. Identify relevant legislation and organisational policies and procedures that may apply to the hazard and its treatment.
4. Deliver a 10-15 minute presentation (a toolbox talk) to your work team on the hazard, including:
a. description of the hazard:
i. identify specific examples or cases of the hazard
ii. use photos or videos to explain the hazard
b. causes of the hazard
c. effects of the hazard
d. control methods for the hazard (using the hierarchy of control)
e. organisational policies and procedures relating to WHS, including:
i. fire, emergency and evacuation
ii. hazard identification, risk management and reporting
f. the importance of consultation in identifying and treating hazards in the workplace
g. results of consultation with other members of the organisation
h. an explanation of the relevant provisions of the legislation (such as work health safety legislation), regulations or codes of practice that may apply to the hazard and note when you checked these and when you plan to next check them in order to keep up-to-date with changes in legislation. This must be done on at least two separate occasions and include supporting documentation.
i. how you plan to follow up to consult again on hazard and treatment
j. a description of where team members can access information about the hazard.

Submit a written record of the toolbox talk to your assessor, including plans, consultation notes and email trails, presentation notes and presentation aids, Ensure you keep copies for your records.Part B: Training
1. Using the Standard Operating Procedure provided, you will assess your work teams skill and provide training in this procedure. Be sure to identify objective indicators of successful performance for the procedure.
2. Follow organisational procedures and WHS legislative requirements to consult with the work team and determine training needs on the procedure.
a. You should rate the level of skill for each group member on a skills matrix (Appendix 1).
b. To determine how competent a person is, simply ask them to perform the procedure or recite how it can be done.
3. Develop a written plan for a training session (a maximum of ten minutes) on the safe completion of the procedure.
a. Use the training plan template (Appendix 2).
b. Include key steps of the delivery and consultation with your work team.
c. Prepare all of the resources required.
d. Make sure to include any costs associated with your training session in your plan. Training costs may include:
i. cost of wages for work team members' time
ii. lost productivity (cost of time used in activities other than making products or delivering services).
4. Follow organisational procedures to report costs to management. Management in this instance will be played by your Assessor and you must show your Assessor your work for point 3d above.
5. Train your work team in the procedure. You will be observed by your assessor.
6. Arrange a follow-up meeting or extra learning opportunity with any individual who still needs or would like extra practice to achieve the desired standard of performance.
7. Prepare and deliver a five- to ten-minute (maximum) follow-up coaching or mentoring session.
a. Use coaching or mentoring techniques and the GROW Model template (Appendix 3) to help the individual reach his or her performance goals.
b. You will be observed by your assessor.
8. Submit documents to your assessor as per specifications below. Ensure you keep copies for your records.
You must:
• deliver:
· a 10-15 minute toolbox talk that uses presentation aids
· a ten-minute (maximum) training session on the written procedure
· a five- to ten-minute follow-up coaching or mentoring session.
• submit:
· a written record of your toolbox talk, including plans, consultation notes and email trails, presentation notes, and presentation aids
· a copy of the standard operating procedure
· a skills matrix (use the skills matrix template provided in Appendix 1 of Assessment Task 1)
· a training plan
· a coaching/mentoring plan.
Your assessor will be looking for:
• reading skills to interpret and analyse complex WHS legislative and organisational documents
• writing skills to document WHS legislative and organisational information using a structure, layout and language suitable for the audience
• oral communication skills to give WHS legislative and organisational information and advice using a structure and language suitable for the audience
• numeracy skills to identify and analysemathematical information in relation to training costs and risk management data
• ability to take responsibility for adherence to legal and regulatory responsibilities and organisational policies and procedures in relation to WHS
• ability to keep up-to-date on changes to WHS legislation or regulations and organisational policies and procedures
• ability to select and use appropriate conventions and protocols to facilitate consultation or provide feedback
• ability to initiate and contribute to facilitating a consultative role, responding, explaining, clarifying and expanding on ideas and information as required
• ability to collaborate with others to achieve individual and team outcomes
• ability to use formal decision-making processes, setting or clarifying goals, gathering information and identifying and evaluating choices against a set of criteria for coaching and performance improvement processes.

Assessment 2

Performance objective
You must demonstrate skills for identifying, analysing and monitoring hazards in the workplace.

Assessment description
As part of this assessment, you will be required to identify the relevant workplace hazard and fill in a hazard or incident report form. After completing the form, you will need to analyse this particular hazard more thoroughly by examining previous incidents and by developing a chart, which aggregates this data.

You will then need to run a safety action meeting (SAM), where you will be meeting with your work safety team to analyse recorded incidents, identify the major hazard to address and to discuss and demonstrate treatment of the hazard. Your team will be organized by your assessor.

Finally, you will prepare and submit a report on WHS performance and the process you undertook to identify and treat the hazard, and follow organisational processes in dealing with two incidents of occupational injury and disease for the scenarios provided.


1. Review the scenario provided in Appendix 1.

2. Complete a hazard or incident report for the hazard that is involved in the scenario (use the form in Appendix 2). You will need to create names and additional information as necessary to fill in the form.

3. Add Rose's incident from the scenario to the data sheet and translate that data into a graph (see Appendix 3).

4. Conduct a safety inspection of your work area with regards to that hazard (see Appendix 4). Your assessor will simulate a workplace for you to inspect and assign you to a work safety team.

5. Organise and chair a safety action meeting (SAM) with your work safety team. Negotiate and schedule the meeting with your work safety team.

6. Before the meeting, work with your group to:
a. consult on analysis of the hazard and possible treatment
b. consider the costs of control measures for the hazard.

7. During the meeting, use the hazard hierarchy of control to recommend and/or demonstrate a practicable treatment. Ensure you take minutes using the SAM form (Appendix 5) to provide evidence of the meeting. Your assessor will observe the meeting.

8. Write a report for your health and safety representative (the assessor). Ensure that you:
a. describe the process you undertook to identify, analyse and consult on the risk
b. refer to:
i. specific WHS legislation relating to the maintenance of a safe workplace
ii. specific WHS legislation and regulations and codes of practice requiring institution and implementation of consultative practices
iii. duty of care responsibilities of employers and employees
iv. describe WHS performance with respect to the hazard; outline any inadequacies in existing risk control measures
v. describe the measures you took to control the hazard, including timelines and demonstrations or plans to control the hazard
vi. describe future monitoring activities to ensure implementation of risk control measures, including hazard controls.

9. Review the two scenarios provided in Appendix 1 of this task and the Standard Operating Procedure for hazard and incident reporting provided in Assessment Task 1. Follow organizational hazard and reporting procedures for the organization by accurately completing two hazard and reporting forms for the specified incidents. Your assessor will play the role of the Health and Safety Representative and CEO.

10. Submit all documentation as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep copies for your records.
You must:
• conduct a safety inspection of the simulated work area
• organise and chair a safety action meeting (SAM) with your work safety team
• submit:
· a completed hazard or incident report for the observed hazard (Appendix 2)
· a completed graph in relation to the data analysis (Appendix 3)
· a completed safety inspection form (Appendix 4), including photos or diagrams of the observed hazard
· a copy of minutes from SAM meeting (Appendix 5) showing dates of attendance and participation
· a one- to two-page report for your health and safety representative (the assessor).
· two accurately completed hazard and incident report forms (Appendix 2) based on the incidents in the workplace scenarios provided

Your assessor will be looking for:
• writing skills to:
· record WHS issues and actions taken according to organisational reporting requirements
· prepare and maintain required records using appropriate structure and vocabulary
• numeracy skills to identify and analyse mathematical information in relation to risk management data
• ability to take responsibility for adherence to legal and regulatory responsibilities and organisational policies and procedures in relation to WHS
• ability to keep up-to-date on changes to WHS legislation or regulations and organisational policies and procedures
• ability to collaborate with others to achieve individual and team outcomes
• ability to use a combination of formal, logical planning and intuitive understanding of context to identify relevant information and risks, and to identify and evaluate alternative strategies for hazard control measures
• ability to use formal decision-making processes, setting or clarifying goals, gathering information and identifying and evaluating choices against a set of criteria for hazard treatment
• ability to recognise and take responsibility for reporting WHS risk control inadequacies
• ability to use formal and informal processes to monitor implementations of WHS solutions and reflect on outcomes
• knowledge of key provisions of relevant WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice that apply to the business.
• ability to accurately complete and maintain WHS records of incidents of occupational injury and disease in work area, according to WHS policies, procedures and legislative requirements

Attachment:- BSBWHS401 Assessments.rar

Reference no: EM132266342

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3/25/2019 11:59:59 PM

EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Are designated emergency persons’ details posted, including: ? health and safety representative ? fire warden ? first aid person? Are instructions posted for calling emergency services? Is the site plan on display? Are emergency evacuation muster/assembly areas signposted? Have all staff been inducted and trained in emergency procedures? Are entry and exit doors marked and free of clutter? Are emergency exit routes and aisles and corridors free of clutter? Are fire extinguishers provided and maintained? Have personnel onsite been trained in the use of fire extinguishers? Are first aid kit/s stocked to contents list? Are first aid supplies replenished?


3/25/2019 11:59:38 PM

Your assessor will be looking for: ? reading skills to interpret and analyse complex WHS legislative and organisational documents ? writing skills to document WHS legislative and organisational information using a structure, layout and language suitable for the audience ? oral communication skills to give WHS legislative and organisational information and advice using a structure and language suitable for the audience ? numeracy skills to identify and analysemathematical information in relation to training costs and risk management data ? ability to take responsibility for adherence to legal and regulatory responsibilities and organisational policies and procedures in relation to WHS ? ability to keep up-to-date on changes to WHS legislation or regulations and organisational policies and procedures ? ability to select and use appropriate conventions and protocols to facilitate consultation or provide feedback ? ability to initiate and contribute to facilitating a consultative role, responding, explaining, clarifying and expanding on ideas and information as required


3/25/2019 11:59:22 PM

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details. You must: ? deliver: ? a 10–15 minute toolbox talk that uses presentation aids ? a ten-minute (maximum) training session on the written procedure ? a five- to ten-minute follow-up coaching or mentoring session. ? submit: ? a written record of your toolbox talk, including plans, consultation notes and email trails, presentation notes, and presentation aids ? a copy of the standard operating procedure ? a skills matrix (use the skills matrix template provided in Appendix 1 of Assessment Task 1) ? a training plan ? a coaching/mentoring plan.

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