Conduct a swot analysis pertaining to overall organization

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Reference no: EM133456302 , Length: 3 Pages


Using either your current company as an example or one you have researched, conduct a generalized SWOT analysis pertaining to the overall organization. Each area of the SWOT should contain at least five to seven items and can be presented as a bulleted list in a word document. Include a summary paragraph after your SWOT that describes a primary strategic issue you believe the company faces, and how the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the organization either help or hinder their ability to effectively address this strategic issue.

Your two- to three-page paper should be in current APA Style and include a title page and reference list for all sources used. You should use a minimum of two scholarly sources (your textbook can be one of the sources).

Reference no: EM133456302

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