Reference no: EM131229979
This assignment is designed to develop a portfolio of resources that you can use during your degree.The compilation of your Portfolio is progressive throughout the term. Please refer to the course profile to see how this assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes.
Week 3- Portfolio: Critical Thinking
This portfolio item requires you to write about Critical Thinking. The document should have two parts.
Part A - Critical Thinking
Write approximately 200 words describing why you need to be a critical thinker. You should refer tostudy, work and personal life.You should include your definitionof the term critical thinking.
Part B - ICT professionals
Explain why it is important for ICT professionals to be critical thinkers.You need to provide at least three (3) relevant unique points in your discussion.This should be approximately 250 words.
Week 5- Portfolio: SWOT Analysis
Conduct a Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis of your presentation skills. An example can be found on page 16 of the prescribed textbook. The SWOT analysis should be presented in a square with four (4) quadrants or in a list as it is presented in the textbook. Each quadrant/section should have at least two (2) unique points. In addition to the SWOT analysis, you should outline some strategies to address one of the weaknesses that you identified in your presentation skills. That is, if you identified ‘fear of public speaking' as a weakness then describe at least two strategies that you could use to overcome that weakness.
SWOT analysis:
Each section/quadrant of the SWOT analysis must have at least two unique points thatare an accurate appraisal of your presentation skills. If you use dot points you need to provide enough detail so that the marker can understand your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities or Threats.
Identify a weakness that is listed in the SWOT analysis section.Must describeat least two strategies that are reasonable ways to overcome the weakness you identified.
It is difficult to prescribe a recommended word count for this portfolio itemas it will vary depending on how it is presented. It is expected that it would be about one (1)A4 page.
Week 7- Portfolio: Reflective Writing
Some people love Social Networking through technology (for example, Facebook and Twitter) whilst others loathe it. Write reflectively about your experiences with the use of a Social networking technology (Facebook, Twitter or another technology). You will need to provide a brief description of the experience and then write five paragraphs of reflective writing where you describe the experience, analyse the experience, demonstrate what you have learnt from the experience,describe how you would handle it differently in the future, and explained the positives and negatives of the situation. If you can, choose a significant event such as your account being hacked or negative comments about you or a friend being posted. Your submission should cover the three key points on reflective writing (see below). This should be approximately 500 words.
If you do not use Social networking technologies you could write a reflection on why you do NOT use Social networking technologies or choose another life experience that really challenged you and write about that.
Note this experience must be about a situation where you played a major role. It should not be about someone else's experience or where you did not play a significant role.
The key points to consider when writing reflectively are:
1. You need to demonstrate what you have learned from a particular experience not just describe what happened.
2. There is no right or wrong answer-reflective writing is about what you learned from the experience.
3. Ask yourself the following questions and give your responses in your writing: Why did Xhappen? What did I do in X situation? What were the positive and negative outcomes inthe situation? How might I do things differently next time? What have I learnt and howdoes this knowledge contribute to my development?
(McCulloch & Reid, 2015, p. 131)
Note 1: You should re-read pages 130-132 of the textbook to ensure you know what is meant by reflective writing.
Note 2: This reflective writing is about evaluating yourself; it is NOT about evaluating social media.
Marking Criteria
The reflective writing on Social Networking through technology should:
1. Include a brief description of the experience.
2. Reflect on why the experience happened and how you contributed to the experience (include both positive and negative contributions as applicable).
3. Demonstrate what you have learned from the experience.
4. Describe how you would handle the experience differently in the future
5. Explained the positives and negatives of the situation.
You should format your submission as five (5) paragraphs (each one addressing one of the markingcriteria). You must use relevant headings to make it clear to the marker that you have covered the five criteria above.Use the three key points listed above to check that you have written reflectively about your experience.
Week 11- Portfolio: Personal Ethical Framework
In week 9 you learnt about how to develop a personal ethical framework and last week you learnt about work and cultural issues. Understanding who you are and how you relate to others in both your personal and work life can make you aware of the values that are important to you as well as the values that you may need to work on to improve your professional standing. This portfolio item is designed to make you think about how to build a reputation as a good ICT professional. Itrequires you to write about your perceptions of a good ICT professional, your work ethic and values,how you communicate with work colleagues and how to work with others from diverse backgrounds. As you are training to be an ICT professional you should refer to the ACS Code of Ethics and/orACS Code of Professional Conduct when writing this personal ethical framework.It should be approximately500 words.
Use the following headings:
• ICT professional
• Work ethic and values (you may want to use sub-headings. See marking criterion 2 below)
• Communication with colleagues
• Diversity in the workplace
Marking Criteria
Your Personal Ethical Framework should include:
1. Your perception of a good ICT professional. Note this should refer to the ACS Code of Ethics and/or ACS Code of Professional Conduct.
2. Statements about:
a. your work ethic.
b. values that are important to you.
3. How you relate to and communicate with work colleagues.
4. Your views on working with diversity in the workplace and how to be sensitive to the people who have been brought up in cultures different to your own.
Week 12- Portfolio: Successful Completion
This portfolio item requires you to justify that you have successfully achieved the course learning outcomes and to provide feedback about your experiences with the course. The document should have two parts.
Part A - Justification
Create a document called ‘Successful Completion' andwrite a reflective analysis that demonstrates you have satisfied all eight(8) course learning outcomes that are listed in the course profile for COIT20249 Professional Skills in ICT (they are listed below). In no more than two (2) A4 pagesjustify how the work you have completed this term has satisfiedall eight (8) course learning outcomes.Please note it is important that you JUSTIFYthat you have satisfied the course objectives do NOTjust summarise the course content and/or assessment items OR define the course learning outcomes.
From the Course Profile:
On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
1. Describe the basic principles and importance of effective interpersonal communication, active listening and reading for meaning.
2. Demonstrate teamwork skills.
3. Communicate ideas effectively both verbally and in written form using appropriate language.
4. Create and deliver effective oral presentations.
5. Argue the importance of ethics, codes of behaviour, and societal, privacy and legal issues within the ICT industry.
6. Demonstrate an understanding of common work practices and values operating in the Australian workplace.
7. Assess how ICT can be used to improve organisational processes.
8. Evaluate the application of emerging technologies to communication and collaboration.
Part B - Feedback
Write two things you liked about this course and provide the reason or reasons you liked them. Also describe two suggested improvements to the course and justify why they would improve the course.
Upload the Successful Completion document into Moodle.
Marking Criteria
Justify that you have successfully achieved all eight (8) course learning outcomes (1 mark per successful justification of each course learning outcomes). Please note that a summary of the course content and/or assessment items or defining the course learning outcomes will receive ONE mark only.
1. Two things you liked about this course plus reasons.
2. Two suggested improvements to the course plus justification.