Conduct a situational analysis

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM132114796

Assessment 1

This assessment task requires you to conduct a situational analysis that consists of a comprehensive external and internal analysis for a new product or service from the pre- determined list (see below). This assessment sets the foundations for assessment 2. You are required to prepare a 5 minute PowerPoint presentation that includes a maximum of 10 slides (including title and reference slides). Your presentation should at least show an application of all marketing concepts, theories, tools and models discussed in the unit until week 5 to that new product.

For students located at the local campuses: This assessment will be a team effort. Your campus lecturer will help organise you in a team of 3 members by Week 3. The objectives of the team-based assessment are to enable you to develop your communication and interpersonal skills, achieve cross-cultural understanding, strengthen your critical and rational thinking abilities and learning and enjoy different perspectives on the same topic. You are to select a team leader for your group who will communicate with the local lecturer. The team leader will be responsible for submitting the presentation to Moodle.

As a team player, you are expected to do all preparatory work before meetings, attend all meetings arranged in conjunction with team members by the team leader whether it is online, on the phone or in class, contribute significantly to the group work and diligently complete any work assigned to you. ONLY the team leader will upload your final assignment in Moodle by week 6 deadline. The team will present their work to their campus tutor and fellow students at a time specified by your lecturer for not more than 5 minutes for each group, usually in the tutorial of Week 6 (and Week 7 if necessary). Your assessment will be marked both on the quality of the presentation as well as the content. Your campus lecturer will mark your presentation which will be moderated by the Unit Co-ordinators. Team members will report students who did not contribute in an effective way to the assignment work to the campus lecturer. Therefore, each team member may not achieve the same mark for this assignment. Students who did not belong to a group will get 0 marks. Your campus lecturer will provide you with immediate feedback on how the content can be improved but will not disclose marks until the return date for assignments. Feedback on your presentation will allow you to know if you are on track for the next assessment.

For distance education (Flex) students: You can either complete this assessment individually or in a group (not more than 3 members). You can use the Moodle forum to find group members. Please inform the Unit Co-ordinators (please email both the unit coodinators) of your group membership by the end of Week 3. For this assessment you are required to prepare PowerPoint slides with voiceover (5 minute maximum). Only one person from the group is required to submit the presentation in Moodle. You do not need to read the in-text referencing or references at the end of the slides in your recording. You should use a headset with microphone preferably or speak loudly if you use the inbuilt microphone on your laptop/computer. Please make sure your voice is clear, can be heard and understood when playing the PowerPoint slides before you upload your work into Moodle as a .ppt or .pptx file. For hints on how to convert a PowerPoint slide to a presentation with voice over,

Assessment Criteria

Title slide: includes students' names, ID numbers, unit code and unit name, campus, term and year, the title of the assessment task, and names of the unit coordinator or lecturer/tutor.

Background information of the company and product/service (3 marks): includes aims of the assessment, background information of the company and the product or service chosen. Consider conducting an organisation analysis (what does it stand for?) within its industry.

Situation analysis: includes a description of the potential customers (i.e. market size, buying behaviour, etc.), analysis of the competitors and evaluation of the context (i.e. environmental analysis including political, economic, societal, technological and legal aspects). Consider conducting:

a) Customer analysis
b) Competitor analysis
c) Other stakeholder analysis
d) SWOT analysis
e) Problem and opportunity statement

Conclusion and reference: includes an effective summary of the key points of the presentation. Referencing should follow the APA style.

Evidence of research: The quality and integration of research in the presentation to support key points. This should include theoretical and empirical research findings from a combination of at least 10 (ten) academic journals and textbooks. Any website that is used to find statistical information is also considered as part of evidence of research but not part of academic journal or textbooks. Useful websites include Australian Bureau of Statistics, Austrade, CIA Factbook, Doing Business and any state or commonwealth authority websites.

Presentation quality including voiceover: Good PowerPoint presentation with clear voiceover. You could be penalised for having small fonts (recommended font size is 20 or larger). Specifically, you will be assessed on the following aspects:

a) Quality of visual aides
b) Confidence
c) Simply reading off the slides is not acceptable
d) Time management
e) Clarity of speech and use of pitch, tone and inflection.

Assessment 2: Marketing Plan

Task Description

Assessment requires students to work individually on their selected new product or service (from assessment 1) to create a comprehensive strategic marketing plan. This is an individual assessment with a maximum word limit of 2500. Your assessment should be an application of relevant marketing concepts learnt in the unit. There is no need to go into details about explaining marketing concepts, rather it should be an applied discussion. Please upload the assessment through the appropriate Moodle link by week 10. Each assessment must be uploaded as a .doc or .docx file (word file).

Any assessment with a ‘Turnitin' similarity score of more than 25% will be checked by the marker for plagiarism although it may not necessarily mean that you have plagiarised. If there is a substantial similarity score in the ‘Turnitin' report, your assessment could be forwarded to an appropriate office/authority.

Assessment Criteria

Title page, table of contents, executive summary and introduction: - includes a title page, table of contents and executive summary that are professionally written and organized. The executive summary contains the key points of the whole report in 3-5 paragraphs written in single page. Introduction section should provide background information of the product or service chosen in assessment 1. You can summarize the key information from assessment 1 in the introduction section. Specifically, you will be assessed on the following aspects:
a) Executive summary
b) Introduction
c) Situation analysis recap

Discussion of the segmentation, targeting and positioning approach (10 marks): a discussion on the potential customer segments for your product or service and which one(s) you wish to target with good justifications. Also, discuss the desired positioning for the product or service. Develop a clear positioning statement. Specifically, you will be assessed on the following aspects:
a) Problem statement
b) Discussion of potential market segment
c) Discussion of target market and positioning

Set 3 marketing and 3 financial objectives: provide realistic marketing and financial objectives. Specifically, you will be assessed on the following aspects:
a) Marketing objectives and goals
b) Financial objectives and goals

Formulation of a detailed marketing mix strategy: should cover specifics of the product, price, promotion and place aspects. Specifically, you will be assessed on the following aspects:
a) Marketing mix - how are they to be applied?
b) Marketing strategy proposed implementation

Budget allocation for promotion mix: should provide the media and budget allocation for each of the promotional mix elements and mapped against the objectives of the promotional mix elements. Put special emphasis on digital communications strategies.

Conclusion and reference: includes a summary of the key points of the presentation. Provide a list of at least 15 (fifteen) citations and references of some published academic and research papers, textbooks and authentic Web sources. Referencing should follow the APA style.

Evidence of research: The quality and integration of research in the writeup to support key points. This should include theoretical and empirical research findings from a combination of academic journals and textbooks. Any website which is used to find statistical information is also considered as part of evidence of research but not part of academic journal or textbooks. Useful websites include Australian Bureau of Statistics, Austrade, CIA Factbook, Doing Business and any state or commonwealth authority websites.

Mechanics: Use of headings, sub headings, cohesion of paragraphs were of high quality. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are of exceptional standard.

Attachment:- Marketing Plan details.rar

Verified Expert

The researcher will provide a marketing plan for the product which is the MOTIV fitness ring. The MOTIV fitness ring has a huge amount of opportunity in the market as it has fewer competitors and majority fo the people getting concerned about their health. The researcher has provided SWOT analysis, market segmentation, the position of the chosen brand and product. The researchers also analyzed the competitor brand " Oura" to understand the position in the market. The researcher has provided marketing mix and budget allocations for the promotional mix.

Reference no: EM132114796

Questions Cloud

Explain privileged communication : Explain privileged communication and its protection under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.
Should the us adopt the english rule to cut down : In American negligence cases, if the plaintiff is successful, the plaintiff's attorney receives a contingency fee, i.e. a percentage of the damages awarded.
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Conduct a situational analysis : Marketing Management and Digital Communications - MRKT20052 - conduct a situational analysis that consists of a comprehensive external and internal analysis
How can behavioral economics be used for as a student : How can behavioral economics be used for as a student? How can it be apply and use behavioral economics if were a small business owner?
Why does the dissent think the majority made the decision : Describe the terms used in the statute at issue and the history of the statute. Why does the dissent think the majority made the decision it did?
How did the war affect germany''s production possibilities : It also suffered many human casualties, both soldiers and civilians. How did the war affect Germany's production possibilities curve
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10/30/2018 3:00:07 AM

I have also refred my friend so can I expect some discount. as you know assessment 2 is based on assessment 1 which is PPT and it is please make according to PPT. 30185052_1MRKT PPT 1ST.pptx are you got PPT? thanks, please make it perfect. and make it according to PPT which was send by me. Make sure to add executive summery before table of context Thanks yes all are good, ........


10/29/2018 1:25:58 AM

assessment 2 is based on assessment 1 which is PPT and it is please make according to PPT.30185052_1MRKT PPT 1ST.pptx Thank you for providing me the the solution as per my requirement the solution is interlinked and and done well by accuracy. I will be ensuring to send you more assignments in future..


9/17/2018 3:55:28 AM

i want to assessment 2 : Marketing Plan which is base on assessment 1 which is PPT and PPT is already made by me. Please follow the all instruction which is attached in pdf. If you want my PPT then told me.Penalties apply for exceeding word limit (1% mark will be deducted from the total mark for Assessment 2 for every 100 words over the allowed 2500 (+ 10%) words limit).

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