Conduct a simple energy audit of college computer labs

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132358209

Integrate Sustainability in ICT Planning and Design Projects Assignment 1 -

Outcomes Assessed - Performance Criteria: Addresses some elements of performance evidence and knowledge evidence as shown in the Assessment Matrix

Assessment Task 1: Case Study: Genesis Energy: Hello Tomorrow - Formulating a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

Description: Genesis Energy, a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE), is New Zealand's largest energy retailer and third largest electricity generator. It has more than 700,000 electricity and gas customer accounts, predominantly in the North Island and is also active in natural gas exploration and production.

Genesis Energy has a range of business objectives. It aims to achieve sustainable business growth that is consistent with its vision of making a difference to New Zealand. Genesis Energy wants to be profitable and a good employer. It also wishes to exhibit a strong sense of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Genesis Energy recognised that climate change is a major strategic challenge for their business. Management accepts that as New Zealand's largest thermal generator of electricity it has a big role to play in climate change. They must address the impact their daily operations have on the environment in which it operates.

Part A: Analyse the given case study in your own words and answers the given questions;

  • Describe four benefits a company could expect from integrating CSR programs in its business strategy.
  • Why did Genesis see it as being necessary to formalise their CSR strategy?
  • Identify and describe four key performance indicators that could be used to evaluate whether a company is a good corporate citizen.
  • Explain some of the ways in which Genesis is giving back to the community through CSR programs.

Concepts used in this case study closely link with theoretical concepts covered in concurrent sessions. Ensure that you attend all the sessions and develop your knowledge and skills required for summative tasks.

You may also visit company's website and gather more information on its culture, values and processes to support your answers. Answers should be concise and within the scope of the case situation; contained within 3-4 paragraphs each.

Part B: In addition, undertake the following practical activity in the class room;

Based on your understanding of CSR developed in the case study, script a role-play for a board meeting of a company that currently spends very little on CSR programs. The board members are evaluating the proposal to spend significant amounts of money on new CSR initiatives. The classroom audience will play the role of the board.

Your script should argue a case for this proposition. Once the role play has been written, rehearse and then perform it to the class (approx. 5 minutes) as per the schedule organised by your trainer/assessor.

Assessment Criteria - The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work.

  • Responses to the case study shows case comprehension and an understanding of the concept the basic principle of sustainability
  • Answers are within the context of the given case and drawn from the given case contents and the organisation (e.g. website)
  • Identified the strategy platform of the company to integrate the CSR programs in its operations
  • Outlined the rationale for integrating CSR programs with likely benefits for the company
  • Identified and described CSR solutions that the company devised for its business
  • Discussed the rationale behind company decision to integrate CSR into its corporate strategy
  • Identified company's key performance indicators (KPI) that could be used to evaluate its CSR performance
  • KPIs are realistic and provide qualitative or qualitative measures to evaluate performance
  • Described company's community commitment and explained how its CSR programs will benefit the community
  • Developed an appropriate script for role-play
  • The script is based on CSR elements drawn from the cast study or any other similar CSR program
  • Establish a conceptual ground for CSR proposition to the company
  • Supported the proposition with an effective rationale and justifications
  • Demonstrate an effective presentation style that engaged the audience
  • The case analysis is structured and integrates a number of external sources and analyses with the case study
  • Cited external sources using an appropriate referencing system

Assessment Task 2: Conduct an Energy Audit

Description: An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy flows for energy conservation in a building, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output(s) (Wikipedia).

In this assessment task, you will conduct a simple energy audit of college computer labs and/or server room based on the following criteria;

1. Estimated CO2 emissions.

2. ICT power consumption calculations.

Apart from computer equipment, you may also take into consideration other impacts such as air conditioner, data projector, and audio-visual equipment.

You need to use TWO key criteria in determining power consumption;

Pi: (Instantaneous Power): Energy used at a point in time, measured in Watts (W).

Pt: Power used over a period of time, measured in Watt-hours (Wh) or Kilowatt-hours (kWh).

Most appliances have markings on them to indicate peak power consumption. There are sways this figure can be marked.

  • Watts (W) or kilowatts (kW)
  • Amps (A) or milliamps (mA): Measure of the current used. Common label on appliances operated on DC (batteries), but also sometimes on AC appliances. To work out the Wattage (W), multiply the Amperage (A) by the Voltage (240 for mains appliances). If the appliance is operated on both AC & DC (portable radios etc.), the figure is normally given for DC. In this case multiply this figure by the DC voltage of the appliance.
  • Volt-Amps (VA): For our purposes, this figure is approximately equal to Watts.
  • Horsepower (HP): One HP is approximately 750 Watts. Larger appliances such as air-conditioners are sometimes labelled this way.

Use Option 1 to calculate on kW amounts calculated above.

If you do not find exact markings/labelling on equipment, research similar products and use a comparative data for calculation.

Once completed,

  • Compile the audit results in a table and also represent the data in a graph (appropriate type of graph that best display the results). Provide a detailed explanation of audit findings, and highlight any major/adverse impact.
  • Provide some preliminary recommendations on how the Green House Gas emission can be reduced.

Assessment Criteria - The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work.

  • Planned and undertook the audit in an organised manner
  • Prepared and used appropriate audit tools (e.g. data collection sheet, calculation sheet etc.)
  • Included maximum number and types of equipment available/present within the audit area
  • Checked and recorded markings/labelling for power consumption data on equipment
  • Converted and used all data in a single measure (e.g. W or kW)
  • Determined instantaneous (Pi) and continuous power (Pt) consumptions for the relevant types of equipment
  • Recorded all the calculation within the audit tool
  • Used CO2 emission calculator to calculate relevant Greenhouse Gas Equivalence for each equipment
  • Complied and presented the data in an appropriate format (e.g. Excel sheet)
  • Data is accurately labelled and categorised based on equipment/consumption type
  • Provided a graphical comparison of energy and emission using an appropriate graph type
  • Audit data and tools are appropriately organised and presented as cohesive reference documents
  • Recommendations are made on reducing Green House Gas emissions

Assessment Task 3: Develop a Sustainable Management Policy

Description: This assessment task builds on previous assessment tasks completed in this unit. Based on your energy audit conducted in Assessment Task2, develop a policy document for the college that incorporates;

  • Purpose
  • Scope
  • Policy
  • Benchmarks
  • Responsibilities

Essentially, you will be assuming the role of a CSR Manager within the college and formulating the policy with a view to reduce the Green House Gas emission within the college. For simulation purpose, your trainer/assessor will play the role of your supervisor.

This task also requires some research into carbon emission benchmarks such as;

  • AccountAbility AA1000 Assurance Standard (2008)
  • BSI BenchMark
  • Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
  • Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 guidelines (telecommunications sector supplement).

Research and gather basic information on ONE OF THE ABOVE benchmarks and use it in justifying your policy initiatives. In other words, your policy statements should meet the requirements/criteria set out in the benchmark.

Policy should be compact, concise and follow the structure given above. You may use a sample policy as a guide for format and contents. However, straight copy-paste will not be acceptable. All external sources must be cited using the Harvard Referencing system (ask your trainer/assessor for reference links if you have not used it before).

Title/Name the policy as appropriate.

Assessment Criteria - The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work.

  • Formulated a CSR management policy with a focus on reducing Green House Gas emission from ICT equipment
  • Policy provides a platform for implementation of effective solutions for achieving reduction of power consumption and the carbon footprint
  • Policy document follows a cohesive structure and covers aspects of policy as defined
  • Policy is written in a formal style with a consistent flow of contents
  • Appropriate benchmark is researched and used to provide a contextual rationale to policy statements
  • Policy contents and benchmarks are focussed on ICT and related equipment within the given environment
  • Policy reflects sustainable management principles that help improve the energy efficiency of ICT network equipment
  • Cited external sources using an appropriate referencing system

Assessment Task 4: Project: Develop and Present Sustainable Management Strategy

Description: This is a scenario based task in which you will assume the role of a CSR Manger working within an organisation. In line with recent policy development, the organisation has decided to formulate a Sustainable Management Strategy that integrates sustainability principles and initiatives within its business operations.

You may use the organisational context used in previous assessment tasks. However, the following extended scenario is provided to help with this task.

Scenario: The college has recently signed a licensing agreement with a leading Australian university to deliver a range of higher education degree courses at its campus. As a result, the college has decided to upgrade its facilities and develop a "Student Hub" that incorporates a small café, audio-visual lounge, internet corner, and a play area. The hub will use extensive resources including a range of energy-intensive equipment, furniture and heating and cooling mechanism.

Note: Alternative scenarios can also be conceived. Students may use an example/context from their previous or current work place (especially within ICT sector).

Task: The college management has given you the responsibility to develop a Sustainable Management Strategy that will help the college meet its policy objectives and international/national benchmarks.

You will need to use an appropriate format; ideally in a proposal style; to organise and present your contents.

Include in your proposal;

  • Technical solutions involving integration of sustainability
  • Relevant environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice
  • Relevant sustainability benchmarks
  • Innovative planning and design concepts that foster sustainability and environmental best practice
  • Estimate potential energy savings and payback peri
  • Equity and diversity principles and OHS safety
  • Estimated CO2 emissions (based on data collected in Assessment Task1)
  • Principles, practices and available tools and techniques of sustainability management
  • Energy audit requirements and guidelines include quality principles
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to evaluate sustainability performance
  • Reference documents (with technical specifications where possible)

There is no word limit for this task. However, it is perceived that you will need on average a page for each of the above area; approximately 10 A4 pages. Ensure that you cite all the external sources using the Harvard Referencing System.

Once completed, present the project to the classroom audience. The classroom audience will play the role of senior management group or the board. Feedback on the proposal should be sought and incorporated in the final submission.

Specific project requirements should be referred to in the following assessment criteria.

Assessment Criteria - The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work.

  • Used an appropriate organisational context and prepared a rationale for the project
  • Appropriate headings and sub-headings are used to structure the contents
  • The content flow covers all the required elements of the plan and contains a logical sequence of the topics
  • The proposal is summarised in an executive summary that provides an overview of key aspects of strategy
  • Included approximate number and types of equipment to be used within the planned area
  • Used estimated energy consumption and CO2 emission data to evaluate the impact of Green House Gases
  • Researched and articulated best practice principles in design of the hub including (but not limited to) use of sustainable resources and technical solutions
  • Identified and described environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to the project.
  • Researched and used appropriate international or national benchmarks that support the strategic initiatives
  • Benchmarks are discussed within the context of estimated CO2 emissions and other environmental impacts
  • Appropriate KPIs are developed to evaluate sustainability performance
  • KPIs include kg CO2 emission measures
  • KPIs include percentage of sustainable resources to be used in the project
  • Audit requirements and tools are suggested as quality initiatives to provide an evaluation framework
  • Strategies provide an opportunity for estimate potential energy savings and payback periods for recommended actions
  • Developed strategies aimed at conserving resources and reducing the impact of Green House Gas emission
  • Strategies are realistic and relevant to the project specifications
  • Presented the proposal to designated audience
  • Presentation was concise, structured and covered key aspects of the proposal
  • Engaged the audience and maintained an effective eye contact
  • Allowed for questions and queries and asked for/collected audience feedback
  • Incorporated feedback in the final proposal
  • Provided reference documents with technical specifications where possible
  • Cited all the external sources using an appropriate referencing system

Configure and Manage Intrusion Prevention System on Network Sensors Assignment 2 -

Outcomes Assessed - Performance Criteria: Addresses some elements of performance evidence and knowledge evidence as shown in the Assessment Matrix

Assessment Task 1: Research and Presentation: IPS Sensors

Description: Intrusion detection system (IDS) and intrusion prevention system (IPS) solutions form an integral part of a robust network defence solution in today's electronically charged environment. Maintaining secure network services is a key requirement of a profitable IP-based business.

In this assessment task, you will research and evaluate the ways IPS sensors are used to mitigate network attacks. To help you provide a context for this task, the following business scenario is given. However, you may choose any other organisational of your preference.

Case Scenario: For more than 70 years, Weltman, Weinberg & Reis (WWR) has been a leader in providing collection services and legal representation to creditors. Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, WWR is the largest creditor's rights law firm in the country. The company depends on its network to connect 1000 employees at nine offices, and to provide real - time status information on cases and files.

Protecting the sensitive client information that resides on its network is a top priority for WWR. Much of the firm's application data contains confidential or non-public information (NPI). Along with privacy concerns, maintaining data integrity is also important, because customer contact records and other business information is often used in legal proceedings. Records that have become corrupted or inaccurate because of a security or network issue can result in a total breakdown of the process and a significant loss to the firm.

WWR needed a flexible, manageable security solution that could provide a defence-in-depth approach, safeguarding not only the network perimeter, but also the firm's internal network all the way to the desktop level.

Your research and presentation will include;

  • System requirements of the network according to industry standards for inline operations.
  • Compare inline to promiscuous mode sensor operations and evaluate how IPS protects network devices from attacks.
  • Evaluate the evasive techniques used by hackers and determine ways IPS can defeat those techniques in the network.
  • Evaluate the considerations necessary for selection, placement, and deployment of a network IPS including using features of IPS signature.
  • What is the Meta Signature Engine?
  • From a site, research how to create a meta signature.
  • What is Passive Operating System fingerprinting?

Assessment Criteria - The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work;

  • Researched, complied and organised information on IPS sensors
  • Appropriate IPS product is selected that best match/address the enterprise needs and requirements
  • Research demonstrates a comparative study of at least two competing products
  • Described the key functions and features of the product
  • Analysed and outlined system requirements for implementing IPS sensor solution
  • Provided a rationale for using the IPS sensors
  • Compared inline to promiscuous mode sensor operations and evaluate how IPS protects network devices from attacks
  • Referred to at least two commonly known hacker attacks and explained how IPS can counter those attacks
  • Outlined the criteria for selection, placement, and deployment of a network IPS including using features of IPS signature
  • Gathered and explain information on Meta signatures and passive operating system fingerprinting as security features
  • Presented the research summary to the class
  • Presentation was well structured, cohesive and maintained a consistent flow of information
  • Maintained an eye contact with the audience and allowed for feedback

Assessment Task 2: Install and Configure IPS Sensors

Description: Consider the following network topology;


Task: Install, initialize and test a Cisco IPS 4235 appliance

Initial configuration and first task;

  • Console into the sensor
  • Use the username cisco and password qaz123wsx
  • Create other user accounts
  • Set up communication with external source

1. Enter the command to initialize the sensor: setup

2. Enter the command to change the hostname to that shown on the lab diagram above:

3. Enter the command to change the control interface IP address and gateway to that shown on the lab diagram. Notice the comma between the entries.

4. Don't allow telnet and don't allow browsing to port 80. Press return when these default values are shown:

5. Only allow hosts on to manage the sensor.

6. Add an inline pair called perimeter. Gi0/1 and Gi0/3 are the interface pair.

7. Press enter to "Save this configuration and exit setup."

Assessment Criteria - The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work.

This task will be observed by the trainer/assessor;

  • Identified and selected the right equipment
  • Selected and connected a cisco IPS sensor hardware
  • Checked connections
  • Set up the network as per the given topology
  • Configured the IPS sensor as instructed
  • Entered commands as instructed
  • Checked and tested configuration
  • Displayed and verified messages and feedback
  • Created user accounts
  • Communicated with an untrusted source and verified system integrity
  • Took preventive measures to mitigate the threats
  • Debugged the commands where needed and ensured system integrity
  • Followed instructions and maintained a methodical approach to the task
  • Demonstrated knowledge of IPS configuration needs

Assessment Task 3: Configuration commands using CLI

Description: Consider the following network topology;


Task 1: Sensor Initialisation

1. Console into the sensor using the program Putty.

2. Use the username cisco and password qaz123wsx

  • Enter the command to initialise the sensor
  • Enter the command to change the hostname to that shown on the lab diagram above
  • Enter the command to change the control interface IP address and gateway to that shown on the lab diagram
  • Don't allow telnet and don't allow browsing to port 80
  • Add an ACL entry to allow your PC to manage the sensor
  • Press enter to "Save this configuration and exit setup."

Task 2: Test connectivity to the newly configured sensor

1. Test your initialization by remotely accessing your sensor using SSH.

2. Using Putty or Teraterm, initiate an SSH connection to the sensor's control address of

3. When prompted, enter the username cisco and password qaz123wsx

The following should be seen:


Task 3: Navigating the sensor CLI

Log back into the sensor using the username cisco and password qaz123wsx

1. Display two of the Command options available in the first level of the CLI, the privileged

EXEC mode: sensor1#?

Check: Successfully connected to the sensor using SSH?

2. Enter the second level of the CLI, configuration mode:

sensorP# configure terminal


3. Display two of the Command options available in configuration mode:

sensorP(config)# ?

4. Display two of the services that can be configured via the CLI:

sensorP(config)# service ?

5. Enter configuration mode for event action rules:

sensorP(config)#service event-action-rules rules0


6. Display two of the commands available from the event action rules configuration mode:

sensorP (config-eve)# ?

7. Enter host configuration mode:

sensorP(config)# service host


8. What command available from the host configuration mode will allow you to set time related settings?

sensorP(config-hos)# ?

9. Enter interface configuration mode:

sensorP(config)#service interface


10. From the display of the commands that are available from the interface configuration mode:

sensorP(config-int)# ?

What is the function of the COMMAND BYPASS-MODE?

11. Display two of the configuration options and settings for a specific signature by completing the following substeps:

Enter configuration mode for signature 12505, subsignature 3 (H225: SETUP fixed signature 1):

sensorP(config-sig)# signatures 12505 3


Task 4: Changing the event-action for a signature

12. What command will display the settings for signature 12505, subsignature 3?

sensorP(config-sig-sig)#show settings

13. From the settings for signature 12505, subsignature 3, write down the alert-severity and the sig-fidelity- rating:

14. Find out what this signature is matching

15. Enter configuration mode for the signature engine corresponding to signature 12505, subsignature 3:

16. Change the trigger event action to produce-alert sensorP(config-sig-sig-ser)# event-action produce-alert

Task 5: Back Up and Restore the Current Configuration

17. Enter the command to backup your current configuration


18. Display the backed-up configuration file

19. View the ACLs in your current configuration again

Task 6: Display sensor events

Display all the events that have occurred in the last 30 minutes

Task 7: Add a user account

Display the user accounts that are already created:

20. Exit privileged EXEC mode:

sensorP# exit

sensorP login:

21. Log in with the administrator account, admin:

Sensor login: admin

Password: admin

22. Create a new account with privilege level viewer.

Assessment Criteria - The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work.

This task will be observed by the trainer/assessor;

  • Identified and selected the right equipment
  • Selected and connected a cisco IPS sensor hardware
  • Checked connections
  • Set up the network as per the given topology
  • Configured the IPS sensor as instructed
  • Entered commands as instructed
  • Checked and tested configuration
  • Displayed and verified messages and feedback
  • Created user accounts
  • Tuned Tune sensor signatures to provide optimal protection of the network
  • Created custom signatures and a meta signature
  • Configured gateway for passive operating system (OS) fingerprinting
  • Configured advanced featured and resolved anomalies
  • Demonstrated knowledge of IPS configuration needs

Assessment Task 4: Knowledge Test

Description: This is a closed book test and must be undertaken in presence of an assessor. All the questions must be answered.

Q1. What cisco proprietary protocol allows dynamic failover of next hop gateways for PCs in a LAN?

Q2. Write the configuration commands to activate HSRP group 14 with a virtual ip of Ensure that this device will become the active router irrespective of whether it boots before or after other HSRP members.

Q3. How does an HSRP standby router know that it needs to take over the active role?

Refer to the following graphic for questions 4 to 7 (see in attached file)

Q4. Which is the address of the virtual router?

Q5. What is the address of the router that becomes active?

Q6. This multilayer switch is the standby router. What is a possible value of the HSRP priority of the active router?

Q7. The special HSRP mac address is 0000.0c07.ac64. What do the last two hex numbers - 64 in this example - tell us?

Refer to the following graphic for questions 8 to 10 (see in attached file)

Q8. For HSRP group 1, what is the device that is active?

Q9. If the active device for HSRP group 1 fails then recovers a while later, will it be able to be active router again? Explain.

Q10. The above example, shows load balancing. If a PC has a gateway address set to, will it use routerA as its gateway? Explain.

Refer to the following Graphic for all questions: (see in attached file)

Q11. What routing protocol was being used inside the International Travel Agency?

Q12. What routing protocols may be used to link the International Travel Agency with the internet?

Q13. How can you check the path taken by packets from PC_4 to PC_2?

Q14. A continuous ping from Another_Company router to local_server2 goes via CE1 then Firewall_1. What path will allow the ping to continue if the link from Telstra2 to CE1 fails?

Q15. A continuous ping from Another_Company router to local_server2 goes via CE1 then Firewall_2. What path will allow the ping to continue if the link from Firewall_2 to CE1 fails?

Q16. A continuous ping from PC_2 router to PC_4 goes via Firewall_1 then CE2. What path will allow the ping to continue if the link from Telstra1 to CE2 fails?

Q17. How could you check that load balancing occurs for traffic from PC_1 to the Internet_server?

Q18. A continuous ping from PC_3 router to PC_4 goes via Firewall_2 then CE2. Why is failure recovery not possible if the Firewall_2 fa0/0 port fails?

Assessment Criteria - The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have addressed all of the criteria in your work.

  • The test was completed according to given instructions.
  • All the questions are attempted and answered.
  • The answers demonstrate the breadth of knowledge on the subject matters as required.

Attachment:- Computer Engineering Assignment Files.rar

Verified Expert

In this evaluation we have checked about Load adjusting and it will be checked with Application layer with the assistance of switches as appeared in the graph for the availability If firewall bombs then it will be a disappointment and no other correspondence should be possible since all the forward associations are associated with the firewall.

Reference no: EM132358209

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8/16/2019 12:26:57 AM

Assessment Task 1: Case Study: Genesis Energy: Hello Tomorrow - Formulating a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy Submission Guidelines - This task must be prepared and submitted in a word-processed layout. Handwritten documents cannot be accepted for this task. Submit: Completed case study analysis with an assignment cover sheet. This assessment task must be completed in a designated session in presence of a trainer/assessor. Electronic versions of the assessment task and email/electronic submission arrangements are at further discretion of the trainer/assessor.


8/16/2019 12:26:48 AM

Assessment Task 2: Conduct an Energy Audit Submission Guidelines - This task must be prepared and submitted in a word-processed layout. Handwritten documents cannot be accepted for this task. Submit: Completed audit documents in hard copies with an assignment cover sheet. Assessment Task 3: Develop a Sustainable Management Policy Submission Guidelines - This task must be prepared and submitted in a word-processed layout. Handwritten documents cannot be accepted for this task. Submit: Completed policy document with an assignment cover sheet.


8/16/2019 12:26:40 AM

Assessment Task 4: Project: Develop and Present Sustainable Management Strategy - There is no word limit for this task. However, it is perceived that you will need on average a page for each of the above area; approximately 10 A4 pages. Ensure that you cite all the external sources using the Harvard Referencing System. Submission Guidelines - This task must be prepared and submitted in a word-processed layout. Handwritten documents cannot be accepted for this task. Submit: Completed case study analysis.


8/16/2019 12:26:32 AM

Assessment Task 1: Research and Presentation: IPS Sensors Submission Guidelines - The proposal must be submitted in a professional, word-processed layout using the document structure suggested above as a guide for key headings. Submit; Copies of presentation slide and Any supporting documents (e.g. product features, costs etc.) downloaded from external sources. Assessment Task 2: Install and Configure IPS Sensors Submission Guidelines - This is a practical task and must be completed in presence of an assessor on the designated sessions. Assessments will be marked by observation; Assessor is satisfied that all the tasks are completed as required.


8/16/2019 12:26:18 AM

Assessment Task 3: Configuration commands using CLI Submission Guidelines - This is a practical task and must be completed in presence of an assessor on the designated sessions. Assessments will be marked by observation; Assessor is satisfied that all the tasks are completed as required. Assessment Task 4: Knowledge Test Submission Guidelines - Submit the completed task sheets with answers for marking with an assignment cover sheet.

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