Conduct a server-side validation for form entries

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131305642

Assignment - Form Submission and ValidationIn Assignment-1, a user panel was created, where users enter some registration entries as stated in the figure below:

The aim of this assignment is to submit the values entered by user to a (user-registration-handling.php) page for server-side processing. The objectives are:

1. Learn how to submit a form to a php page.

2. Conduct a server-side validation for form entries.

3. Write the submitted values to a text file on the server.


• Use the form tag to submit the fields entered by a user to (user-registration-handling.php) page.

• Read and validate the fields in this php page. You much conduct various types of validation based on the field itself.
  o Validating the existence of a user name
  o Validating the existence of an email
  o Validating the existence of a password and password confirmation
  o Validating that both the password and password confirmation inputs are identical
  o Validating the format of the entered email. It should adhere the following format

• If at least one field entry happens to be invalid, the user will be directed to (invalid-user-entry.php), where an error message appears indicating the error type. Also, a hyperlink appears on the same page that sends user back to the registration page.

• If all entries are valid, save all user information in (user-info.txt) each entry in a separate line, i.e.,

• Note that the password should be encrypted before being stored. Use the md5 function for that.

Reference no: EM131305642

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