Conduct a search on technology tools specifically designed

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM133724788

Project Management Best Practices

Managing a project of any size and scope can be a daunting task. There are many types of tools that can be used from a technical standpoint that can help the project manager plan, implement, and track the project. Sharing best practices for effective tools used in project management will be the focus of this discussion topic.

The discussion for this unit has three required sections:

Conduct a search on technology tools specifically designed for project management using the Purdue Global Library, the Internet, or other sources you have uncovered.

Use the information from this search to describe the key features of at least three tools. Use the criteria listed in the Richards (2019) reading for this unit as well as any other criteria used to select the tools.

Comment on personal experiences you may have had with these tools so others can learn from your knowledge and experience. If you have not had any personal experience(s), can you think of a time when you managed any type of project, personal or professional where the tool(s) would have been helpful?

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Reference no: EM133724788

Questions Cloud

Apply project management tools and a pm outline type : Apply project management tools and a PM outline type of your choice to structure and plan the project by defining, planning, and controlling
Explain how electronic health records and mobile health : Explain how electronic health records, mobile health, patient portals, or telemedicine can impact and be impacted by the social determinants of health.
Nurse is preparing child for nuclear medicine scanning : The nurse is preparing a child for nuclear medicine scanning. Which medication does the nurse anticipate is most likely to be prescribed for this procedure?
Discuss your role as a change agent in current organization : Discuss your role as a change agent in your current organization, including your traits and characteristics. Discuss challenges you have as a change agent.
Conduct a search on technology tools specifically designed : Conduct a search on technology tools specifically designed for project management using the Purdue Global Library, the Internet, or other sources you have
What dietary restrictions are associated with hinduism : What dietary restrictions are associated with Hinduism?
Room base quarantine was discontinued this afternoon : Ms. Jiminez was visible in the unit hallways during the shift. Her Room Base Quarantine was discontinued this afternoon and she was observed
What type of people do you often overlook in advocacy : What motivates you to stand up for others? Describe your motivation. What type of people do you often overlook in your advocacy?
Why do you think there was so much historical amnesia : Why do you think there was so much historical amnesia about the 1918-19 flu pandemic? What are some parallels between the 1918 pandemic and our own crisis


Write a Review

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