Reference no: EM131678431
Systematic Reviews: Searching and Analysis of the Literature. COMPLETE PART I THROUGH PART IV
This Assignment expands upon the work you have been conducting for this week's Discussion.) you will conduct a search for literature on your selected practice problem.
A Literature Review Matrix template will be used to identify gaps in the literature.
To prepare:
Consider the practice problem you addressed in this week's Discussion. (You may select a new issue if necessary, but it is not recommended): Practice problem chosen: Health literacy and self-care activities, self-efficacy, and health related outcome of patients with type 2 Diabetes.
Review the guidelines in the Literature Review Matrix, included in the Learning Resources.
Formulate a research question around your issue as indicated in Part I. Then
complete Part II, III, IV of the Matrix, identifying the resources you will use, search terms and criteria, and Boolean search strings.
Using the Walden Library, locate 10 articles related to your research question. At least one article must be a systematic review.
All of the articles should be primary sources.
Actual Assignment:
Complete Part I and Part II of the Literature Review Matrix template.
Review the information on empiricism presented in Chapter 1 of Theoretical
Basis for Nursing and Chapter 6 in The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence as you consider your response to Part IV.
Complete Part III of the Literature Review Matrix.
In your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing literature, note the appropriate use of the theoretical frameworks.
Complete Part IV addressing the influence of empiricism on quantitative methodology.