Conduct a one-way anova test comparing means

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132672310

Assignment - Pulling It All Together

Suppose you have been assigned to analyze the data from a psychology database. Several questions have been provided to guide your analysis, and you are expected to present your findings to a panel comprised of statistics and non-statistics professionals in the field of psychology. The Unit 9 Assignment will allow you to test your ability to analyze and communicate results that are valuable and understandable to all on the panel.

The Unit 9 Assignment is designed so that you can demonstrate your proficiency with descriptive statistics and tests of hypotheses covered throughout the course.

Here are the objectives that are being assessed in the Unit 9 Assignment.

Given a research question and a data set, the student will be able to conduct t-tests for means including a one sample t-test, paired samples t-test, and independent samples t-test.

Given a research question and a data set, the student will be able to conduct a one-way ANOVA test comparing means of more than two independent groups.

Given a research question and a data set, the student will be able to conduct simple linear regression and use the output to make a prediction.

Given a research question and a data set, the student will be able to conduct a chi square test of independence to examine the association between two categorical variables.

Given output generated by Excel, the student will provide the correct interpretation of the output including the rationale for that interpretation.

You will find the Unit 9 Assignment Template and the Psych_Data Excel data set in Content > Virtual Office. Be sure to download the Assignment and the data set to your computer and save using a file name that includes your first and last name.

Read the assigned chapter sections from your textbook:

Read Unit D, Essential Synthesis, in Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data. Reading Overview The Readings for this unit will provide a synthesis of the various methods of inference you have learned throughout the course. An overview of the different hypotheses, test statistic formulas, and conclusions will be presented which will help you consolidate your learning over the last half of the course. You may want to review your readings from the previous four weeks of hypothesis testing to better prepare you for the exercises, Assignment, and Quiz in these final two weeks.

Multiple regression analysis will be discussed as an extension of the simple regression techniques learned in Unit 7. You will see how to use more than one predictor or independent variable to predict one dependent or criterion variable for an improved prediction model. Computer output will be examined to determine which predictor variables are significant.

Attachment:- Unit 9 Assignment Template.rar

Reference no: EM132672310

Questions Cloud

What xena should record revenue of : What Xena should record revenue of? Xena Limited develops and sells off-the-shelf accounting software packages. The retail price of each package is $880
What amount should abc inc report as deferred tax asset : What amount should ABC Inc. report as deferred tax asset? For all three years there were neither temporary nor permanent differences and the tax rate was 25%
Define the absolute threshold : Define the absolute threshold. Fechner and others mathematically modeled data from psychophysical experiments.
What amount should xyz report as income tax payable : In its current year balance sheet, what amount should XYZ report as deferred tax asset? what amount should XYZ report as income tax payable?
Conduct a one-way anova test comparing means : Conduct a one-way ANOVA test comparing means of more than two independent groups - provide the correct interpretation of the output including the rationale
Prepare the necessary journal entry for united on december : Universal Inc., Prepare the necessary journal entries for United (lessee) on December 31, 2021, the end of the first reporting period.
Find discount rate is equal to the aftertax cost of new debt : Assume the discount rate is equal to the aftertax cost of new debt rounded up to the nearest whole percent (e.g. 4.06 percent should be rounded up to 5 percent)
Explain mental chronometry : Explain mental chronometry and the studies by Wundt that contributed to this field. What was the significance of this research in terms of psychology as a scien
What are some observations about milgram studies : What are some observations about Milgram Studies?


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  Statistic project

Identify sample, population, sampling frame (if applicable), and response rate (if applicable). Describe sampling technique (if applicable) or experimental design

  Simple data analysis and comparison

Write a report on simple data analysis and comparison.

  Analyze the processed data in statistical survey

Analyze the processed data in Statistical survey.

  What is the probability

Find the probability of given case.

  Frequency distribution

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