Conduct a notional risk analysis of your county courthouse

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131257694

Evaluating Critical infrastructure

You are an Action Officer (AO) assigned to the county Homeland Security Office. The director has requested that you conduct a risk analysis of the county administrative building and courthouse. She is concerned that the existing analysis is outdated, did not conform to the current U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) risk analysis methodology, and did not employ the National Scenarios. The director has informed you of her intention to present your report to the county commission to seek additional funding to expand the Risk Analysis effort to other Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) facilities within the county and to broaden the county's CIKR planning, response, and recovery capabilities.

• Using the DHS risk management framework depicted in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) and the key points concerning critical infrastructure protection (CIP) learned thus far, create a simple matrix to facilitate a risk analysis and assessment of your county courthouse or another local government building in your municipality. This is only a notional analysis or assessment to familiarize you with the various factors potentially impacting a real and comprehensive CIKR risk analysis.

o Note: Do not get frustrated with the unavailable, missing details or facts. Just use your imagination. Focus on the process instead of the missing data.

• Using the matrix that is located in the additional Phase Resources and your analysis, conduct a notional risk analysis of your county courthouse or another government building in your locale.

o Address the risk factors using the situations depicted by the 15 National Planning Scenarios.
o If you feel there are other more likely scenarios that need mentioning, do so.

• This is a formal report. The professionalism, detailed descriptions, and completeness of the report are essential to the director in gaining additional funding.

Reference no: EM131257694

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