Conduct a general swot analysis for the sabic company

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1383685 , Length: 1200 Words

Questions of Strategic Management

Q1- Conduct a general SWOT analysis for the SABIC Company, showing your methodology.

Q2- Conduct  SWOT analysis for the SABIC Company, focusing more on the issues related to MIS and POM, showing your methodology.

Q3- To what extent  SABIC Company consider the issues of ethics, social responsibility, cultural diversity and sustainability, supporting your answer with critical analysis, statistics and real events?

Questions of MIS

Q1 - Depending on your studying and analysis of SABIC  case:

A- Briefly summarize business challenges faced by the company, and show how they are reflected in the Information Systems through its three components (management, organization, and technology).

B- What are the business solutions, which resulted from the use of information systems.

Q2 - The successful usage of  information systems in SABIC to achieve a competitive advantage is a real challenge and requires precise coordination of management, organization, and technology, as well as performing strategic system analysis. Based on your case analysis , answer the following:

A- Has the Company articulated its business strategy and goals properly?

B- Was the company able to align IT with its business strategy and goals?

C- How can the IT improve SABIC's business and promote its  strategy?

Q3 - Define, describe SABIC Value Chain Model, and show how this model can be used to identify and develop information systems in SABIC?

Questions of POM

The SABIC company is mainly focusing in its mission on providing quality products and services, while sustaining maximum value for its stakeholders.

Q1 - What did the SABIC's operations function does to implement and support this competitive priority (i.e. quality)?

Q2 - As regard to the supply chain management of SABIC:

A- Discuss the supply chain management of SABIC showing the initiatives performed in the project EMDAD, and what do you propose as initiatives to improve its supply chain and hence to contribute to adding value to stakeholders ?

B- The location of facilities (for instance plants) is very important when designing the supply chain of SABIC. Give an overview of the models that are used by researchers and practitioners to select the best locations of these facilities

Q3- SABIC implements every year initiatives to improve efficiency and reduce waste. What are these initiatives , and what do you propose to help SABIC in these two areas?

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Reference no: EM1383685

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