Conduct a fire risk assessment

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Reference no: EM132260057

Task Description

Assume that you are working as a Fire safety engineer in a Government firm having Authority of fire prevention. You are required to inspect a building/industry for identification of the Fire Risk.

Task 1

Conduct a Fire Risk Assessment using Fire risk assessment form by using a 5 x 5 Matrix. You need to identify a minimum of 10 fire hazards and evaluate the risk for each of the hazards by evaluating the adequacy of the existing control measures. Propose suitable control measures in case if the risk value calculated from the matrix method is not in ALARP level.

Task 2

Out of the identified hazards from Task 1, select 5 major observations having major risk levels, and write a report to the immediate manager describing the hazard, risk levels, and suggest suitable recommendations in detail.

Guidance on Report:

Standard format of report:

1. An introduction to the industry/building (Including overview of area inspected and activities carried out within your work environment)
2. Objective of Study, Benefits of Fire risk assessment
3. Body of report:

• Main observation

• Analysis of hazards identified (Risk level)

• Recommendation

4. Conclusion

Task 3

Based on your Fire Risk Assessment carried out at the premises visited, prepare a standard size poster on white A3 paper. You are required to prepare the poster based on your report. However, you are allowed to choose your data for poster preparation. Your data, design of poster will be considered for marking criteria.

The poster should be supported by relevant literature derived from appropriate sources, and referenced in the standard manner. The guidance/details on the preparation of the poster are provided below in line with the expected learning outcomes.

Poster preparation guidelines:

Your poster should include some/all of the following topics:

• The objective of study

• Procedure of risk assessment

• Major/critic hazard findings

• Relevant photographs/pictures/tables/charts

• Your suggestions on most important control measures, etc.


• It is mandatory for students to attend the site visit; failure to do so shall result in non-evaluation of the students course work

• Avoid repetition of hazard

• Your answers should be self-explanatory and neatly presented.

• Your report should provide necessary citations and references. Referencing should be in Harvard Referencing System. Cross referencing is to be followed. Failing to which mark will be deducted accordingly

• Make sure that you proof read the final document prior to submission for technical aspects such as spelling, punctuation, grammar, missing words, and acknowledgment of sources (References)

• Remember that the style of your work, and its accuracy, are indicators of how much care you have taken while preparing the assignment, and how capable you are in expressing your thoughts in a presentable and professional

Verified Expert

In this report fire risk assessment has been done. then the ten fire hazard of the firm has been identified.Then the control measure of it has been reviewed and improved from the finding. Then a report has been made of the critical fire hazard areas.

Reference no: EM132260057

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3/18/2019 2:14:19 AM

Question/Task Max. Mark Task 1 45 Task 2 35 Task 3 20 Please note that all marks are provisional subject to confirmation by the Module Assessment Board of the University of Central Lancashire, UK.


3/18/2019 2:13:47 AM

You are encouraged to word process your assessment, although hand written work is acceptable. You are required to word process this assessment. You are required to submit this assessment electronically through Blackboard • This paper contains ___3__ question/task • Answer the questions / complete the tasks fully with all possible evidence for achieving the learning outcome/s. • This assessment is worth __60___% of the module mark.

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