Conduct a fair comparison of each linux distribution

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132721531

Computing Network Management

Please read the entire Coursework specification carefully before starting the Coursework. If any aspect of what you are being asked to do is not clear, seek advice and assistance from the Module Coordinator.

Coursework Description

In computing, a benchmark is the act of running a computer program, a set of programs, or other operations, in order to assess the relative performance of an object (PC, Server).

As organisations come to rely more on computerised processes for daily business functions, it's essential to know how well your devices and network are performing. For example, a simple network test or ping test can tell you what your upload and download speed is at a given moment. However, without a baseline or benchmark to compare it to, you won't know whether it's faster or slower than usual. In this respect, your benchmark is the ‘normal' standard against which other tests can be measured.

The aim of this coursework is to test the performance of a data collection tool(s) across a range of Linux distributions and hypervisors. Your task, as a network analyst, is to conduct a benchmarking exercise to compare the use of a data collection tool (of your choice) across two Linux distributions and two hypervisors (again of your choice). A few examples are provided below

You should design an experiment which allows you to conduct a fair comparison of each Linux distribution and hypervisor, and which is quantifiable, serving as a point of reference with which to compare the distributions/hypervisors.

You are free to choose which metrics you use to quantify performance, but as an example, your experiment could include metrics such as CPU utilisation and Memory (RAM) usage.

The deliverables for this coursework are described below:

Deliverable 1: Benchmark Report (in Microsoft Word) containing:
1. 1.1. Analysis of the project. This analysis should be based on:
o - a review of the literature relating to benchmarking of Linux distributions and Hypervisors;
o - a description of your experimental design and methodology;
o - a description of your implementation.
2. 1.2. Results and Analysis.
o - a presentation of your benchmark results;
o - analysis and discussion of the findings, including their significance in relation to previous research
3. 1.3. Recommendations.
o - reflect on work in 1.1 and 1.2;
o - provide recommendations of which combination of data collection tool, hypervisor and distribution you recommend.
Your report should be professionally structured, and written to a technical audience, including:
o Titlepage;
o Contents page;
o Executive Summary;
o Appropriateinformationfor1.1,1.2 and1.3above(2500wordsmax);
o Concluding remarks;
o A list of references.
Deliverable 2: Evidence log (in Excel) containing the detailed results of all experiments, including analysis of the data, and any tables/graphs generated.

Attachment:- Network management.rar

Reference no: EM132721531

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