Reference no: EM133710117 , Length: word count:2000
Penetration Testing
Assessment: Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Portfolio
Project Portfolio Strategy
Your Task
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will demonstrate your comprehensive understanding as well as showcase your cybersecurity risk assessment skills.
Assessment Description
The objective of this assessment is to demonstrate your ability to conduct a comprehensive cybersecurity risk assessment based on concepts taught throughout the entire subject (Week 1 to Week 12).
In this assessment:
You will perform a risk assessment based on concepts taught throughout the entire subject and submit a Project Portfolio.
To complete the Project Portfolio:
You are to use a fictitious organisation network environment and perform a comprehensive cybersecurity risk assessment.
The risk assessment should include risk identification, risk analysis, and risk mitigation strategies.
Finally, you have to compile your findings into a comprehensive project portfolio report and submit it.
Assessment Practical Business Purpose
This project portfolio is designed to equip you with skills to perform in-depth cybersecurity risk assessments including penetration testing which is critical for organisations aiming to protect their digital assets.
This assessment also prepares you for different roles in cybersecurity, that require you to perform in-depth cybersecurity risk assessments and penetration testing.
Assessment Targeted Audience
This assessment is essential for risk managers, penetration testers, IT security professionals, and organisations looking to enhance their cybersecurity risk management capabilities.
Going through this assessment will equip you with the necessary cybersecurity risk assessment and management experience needed for different roles in different organisations.
Learning outcome 1: Evaluate appropriate countermeasures to mitigate the risk of unauthorised access, hacks and exploits to systems, networks, and applications.
Learning outcome 2: Investigate cyber-attack techniques on computer systems, networks, and web applications.
Learning outcome 3: Evaluate existing defensive security measures.
Learning outcome 4: Create simulated cyber-attacks to identify vulnerabilities.
Assessment instructions for this assessment:
You are supposed to work individually on this assignment.
You must select an organisation or fictional organisation to conduct the risk assessment.
The risk assessment is based on concepts learnt in class during the trimester.
Finally, you are to compile a project portfolio report focusing on risk identification, analysis, and mitigation strategies.
Integrate diagrams, charts, or visuals, if necessary, to supplement your text in the report.
Additional tips
You must use clear and concise language to communicate your ideas effectively.
You should follow a professional report format with a cover page, table of contents, headings for sections, page numbers, and reference section following any professional and consistent styling.
You may use the following suggested structure as a guide:
Cover Page and Table of contents
Executive Summary
Risk Assessment Methodology
Findings and Recommendations