Conduct a complete study of the external environment

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13224796

Conduct outside research and prepare a 3-4 page document, double spaced in APA format, (cite sources on a separate page) concerning the following:

Your report and overview should address the following key strategic issues:

Conduct a complete study of the external environment in which Fiat competes, and identify the critical strategic factors in each of the following areas:

The General Environment
The Industry Environment
The Competitor Environment

Based on the analysis, what advice can you give Fiat's management to improve and continue the company's successful expansion of the Fiat vehicles into the United States market? Recommend an integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions which will exploit the company's core competencies, sustain growth, and ensure maximum performance and value for shareholders.

Reference no: EM13224796

Questions Cloud

What is the safety stock : The target inventory is 1762 motors. a) What is the safety stock? b) What service level is achieved?
Compute the profit earned from a typical consumer : b) What will be the firm's profit with perfect price discrimination c) To implement perfect price discrimination you will have to use salespersons. What is the maximum amount total you will spend on salespersons
What is the annual holding cost of maintaining the level : What is the annual holding cost of maintaining the level of safety stock needed to support a 1% risk? g) If management specified that a 2% risk of stock-out during lead time would be acceptable, would our safety stock holding costs decrease or inc..
Is it more cost-effective for groundz to switch suppliers : Groundz can place orders only once a month. Inventory and ordering costs would remain the same. Is it more cost-effective for Groundz to switch suppliers? Should Groundz switch? (new total cost $3042.67, switch)
Conduct a complete study of the external environment : Conduct a complete study of the external environment in which Fiat competes, and identify the critical strategic factors
How the availability of newer tools might have affected : Discuss how the availability of newer tools might have affected the choices and priorities on which Alex focused.
What are the internal areas : What are the internal areas that should be considered in analyzing a firm's resources and opportunities?
What is the overall equipment effectivness of the high-speed : although it was designed to make four copies per second. Data suggests that about 3% of the copies pages must be scrapped and recopied. What is the overall equipment effectivness of the high-speed copier?
What is the value of equilibrium real gdp : Assume autonomous real investment is $30, autonomous real government spending is $30, and autonomous real net exports is -$20. Compute Aggregate Expenditures at each level of real GDP. What is the value of equilibrium real GDP


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