Reference no: EM132199154 , Length: word count:4000
Topic: The ASX 100 is a stock market index that represents Australian large and mid-cap securities. It contains the ASX top 100 companies by way of market capitalisation. Choose one of the companies from ASX100 and prepare a credit rating report for the company. Please don't select financial firms (such as banks or insurance companies) or utility firms (such as power, gas or water providers).
1. In this assignment, you are required to conduct a capacity analysis and the Altman Z score analysis for the company's overall creditworthiness.
2. In the capacity analysis part, you are required to do the followings:
a. Industry structure analysis,
b. Industry fundamentals,
c. company fundamentals
3. In the ratio analysis part of your company fundamentals analysis, you are required to compute the eight financial ratios as shown in the lecture slides. You should also forecast these ratios for the next year, compare your ratios to the ratios shown in the slides, and recommend an appropriate credit rating accordingly.
4. You need to choose an appropriate Z score model to compute the current Z score of and forecast the Z score for the next year. You should also indicate the financial status of the company based on your forecast.
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