Condition on attribute rating in table

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13943307

Exercise 1:

Write a CHECK constraint that expresses the following condition on attribute Rating in table Movies in Movie Database: "Any possible value of Rating is either a null value or a number in the interval from 0 to 10 inclusively". 

Exercise 2:

Write a CHECK constraint that expresses the following condition on records in table Laptop in Hardware Database: "If the screen is larger than 20, then the price is higher than 2000".

Exercise 3:

Write a CHECK constraint that expresses the following condition on table Schedule in University Database: "Each course (occurring in this table) is offered at least two times". Hint: Use NOT EXISTS.

Exercise 4:

Write a CHECK constraint that expresses the following condition on table StarsIn in Movie Database: "Each movie (occurring in this table) has at most one director". Hint: Use NOT EXISTS.

Reference no: EM13943307

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