Concepts in organizational communication

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Reference no: EM13956643

instructions for the Final Paper. Next, develop an outline for your Final Paper writing in full sentences (12 point font, Times New Roman font, double spaced). In your outline, create at least one section for each of the five concepts that you will use in your Final Paper and include supporting material for each concept. Be sure to include a bibliography with at least two of the sources that you will use for your Final Paper. Please make sure that the sources that you use are listed in the APA format. Your outline must include an introduction with a thesis statement and end with a conclusion that reaffirms the thesis.

Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

(This is not a complete outline. However, this will give you an idea of the formatting and the detail I am looking for.)

Concepts in Organizational Communication

I. Introduction
A. Opening: Given that our purpose here at Stamper Consulting is to produce the world's best consulting services tour customers.
B. Discuss issues within the organization and why I am going to submit this proposal. In order to do so, I hereby propose a new communication structure for our organization that will lay the interpersonal foundation to make all of this possible.
C. Thesis: The following concepts are important for successful communication of this sort: nonverbal communication, cultural sensitivity, active listening, conflict resolution, the tactical and strategic facets of communication, being ethical and positive, being technologically savvy; what is more, this will all be implemented through training and reinforcement.

II. Nonverbal communication: The first concept that is important for successful communication within an organizational setting is nonverbal communication.
A. Supporting evidence: According to a study by Graham and Jennings of Wichita State and Unruh of National Institute for Management, over 50 percent of respondents felt that their supervisors' verbal communication messages were frequently disaffirmed by their nonverbal cues. This often caused miscommunication, distrust, and frustration (Graham, Unruh, & Jennings, 1991).

1. Explanation: It is important for successful communication for a number of reasons. First and foremost, regardless of one's feelings on the subject, the fact is that the nonverbal aspect of communication is a reality. Further, it is a source of major significance in terms of the impressions and unwritten messages that people constantly read into day-to-day communication. That is how human interaction has always been and, as they say, this truth is not going away anytime soon. In particular, consistency between a person's verbal and nonverbal communication carries credibility with others, signaling a certain element of trustworthiness.

2. So what? When a person's nonverbal messages, therefore, match those of his or her verbal messages, others view this consistency positively, as being credible. This being the case, a control of nonverbal communication equates to an increased ability to accomplish whatever goal one seeks, large or small, by the act of communicating in the first place.
B. How I would implement this within the organization: Being better informed regarding nonverbal communications and on how to decode them would significantly increase productivity and morale (Graham, Unruh, & Jennings, 1991).

1. Explanation: Research shows, then, that holding seminars on sending and receiving unspoken messages would significantly add.
III. Cultural sensitivity: Cultural sensitivity in the workplace is a concept that is important for successful communication across interpersonal borders.
A. Supporting evidence:
1. Explanation
2. So what?
B. Implementation.
IV. Active listening: For accurate understanding of ideas and for building interpersonal relationships, active listening is a concept that is important for successful communication in both the individual and organizational setting. It strengthens the team and ensures the integrity of the information flow.
A. Supporting evidence

1. Explanation: In other words, those who used the method of paraphrasing as an active listening skill, were determined to be better-liked than those who did not utilize this skill.
2. So what? With so many cogs churning within the machinery that is a company, active listening, then, acts as a lubricant that reduces friction inherent in the nature of human interaction, and leads to a healthier, more enjoyable workplace.
B. Implementation
V. Conflict resolution: Invariably, there will be bumps in the road. Even good intelligent people will have strong opinions and clashing ideas or interests. Conflict resolution, then, is important for instances such as these, described in academia as "inevitable, difficult, and important" (Oore, Leiter,& LeBlanc, 2015, p. 306)
A. Supporting evidence:
1. Explanation:
2. So what?
B. Implementation

VI. Strategic facets of communication: Words matter, and the as ideas are generated within and without this organization, they must be clear, effective, and attractive. Therefore, they must be carefully planned and competently performed-which means strategic communication (Kreps, 2011. Chapter One Introduction).
A. Supporting evidence:
1. Explanation:
2. So what?

Reference no: EM13956643

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