Concept of trauma and guidance for a trauma-informed

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Reference no: EM133219183


MHCC -Trauma Informed Care and practice

Trauma Informed Care and Practice: A National Strategic Direction

The Trauma Toolkit

The Sanctuary Model

SAMHSA's Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed approach


Kathryn, a client, is a new resident at a local women's shelter. She has resided there for a few days and still hardly looks up while her two young children cling to her tightly. She was living in a car for a couple of weeks during the summer after losing her apartment. Kathryn and her children were unable to access bathroom and shower facilities and, therefore, arrived at the shelter wearing clothes that were turned inside out and covered in sweat. After three days, she and her children still had not showered or changed. Other residents are beginning to complain to the staff. One of the shelter workers, Maria, approaches Kathryn and in a friendly voice says, "Hi, my name is Maria, what's yours?" while extending her hand. Kathryn doesn't look up or make any motion to indicate that she sees Maria standing there. Maria continues, "I know it has been hot out there. Maybe you and the kids would like to use the shower." Kathryn becomes immediately angry and starts to raise her voice saying, "I don't need a damn shower and neither kids." She gets up off the couch where she was sitting and storms toward her room.

At a staff meeting later that day, staff members Rose, Maria, and Carla disagree about how best to approach and engage Kathryn.

Rose : "We should call the mental health emergency services team to conduct an assessment. Kathryn probably has some sort of psychiatric problem. "

Carla: "I wonder if Kathryn was taking medication and has stopped. Or maybe she is withdrawing from drugs and that is why she is a bit edgy and withdrawn. "

Maria: "What is making Kathryn so angry. Is she frightened? Does she feel unsafe? Did something happen?"

1. Which of the staff is thinking in a trauma-informed way?

2. What makes her approach trauma-informed?

3. What might have been going on that could explain Kathryn's response?

4. What might be some possible remedies or alternative ways of responding to this?

Reference no: EM133219183

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