Concept of subletting in v6

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133473

Case Study

Networks are evolving. Scalability, presentation (acts), reliability, safety measures and cost considerations are all driving fundamental modifications in network equipment, structural design and even the underlying protocols. Claims (applications) are consistently increasing in their functionality and superiority, and these too are demanding additional capabilities from traditionally inactive networks. IPv6 certainly is a key element of the on-going (in progress) network evolution. IPv6's increased address liberty, improved security; simplified configuration procedures and its intrinsic support for mobile users are all factors contributing to IPv6's inevitable dominance of the Internet. On the other hand, it would be extremely short-sighted to assume that this will be the only major change in network structural designs over the next few years. As an alternative, IPv6 will be one of several major new components of the next generation networks. Other new networking enhancements are taking place in parallel with the development of IPv6. These take in multicast routing, elevated (high) availability routing, and Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). Each of these novel paradigms significantly improves traditional networks in its own way. Each of these must also be sensitively aware of the other concurrent changes that are taking consign (place) to ensure that they are not disruptive to any other evolutionary process. In particular, these new technologies must support IPv6 in order to stay alive in the next generation of the Internet. In total, these technologies represent the future of IP networks.

The subsequent generation of the Internet or any other major IP network will manifest a number of significant evolutionary changes. The scalability, concert, reliability and functionality of prospect IP networks will all look up dramatically. Many exciting new requests (applications) will be enabled over the "new and improved" Internet. IPv6 will play a main role in this conversion. Though, IPv6 by itself cannot overcome all of these challenges. As an alternative, IPv6 will need to work hand-in-hand (altogether) with other new technologies. Fortunately, these emerging protocols and answers are not being developed in blankness. Instead, these attempts are cognizant of each other, so that for the most part interoperability and compatibility matters have already been decided. Mutually, these technologies represent the future (prospect) of IP networking.

Question 1

(a) 'IPv6's augmented (increased) address space, get better security, simplified configuration courses and its inherent hold up for mobile users are all factors contributing to IPv6's inevitable dominance of the Internet.'

Elucidate in detailed how the four points mentioned above are of relevance to IPV6.

(b) Subletting has been a very important practice in the days V4. For sure this is a practice in V6 too. You are required to give details:

(i) the concept of Subletting in V6

(ii) why do we say small package routing is more efficient in IPV6 than in IPV4

Question 2

(a) State a circumstances on how you would 'increase the hacking factor' of a hacker.

(b) How is the concept of gateways and routing mechanism in IPv6?

(c) What is the utility of neighbour Discovery (ND) in hosts and routers?

Question 3

(a) What is a network security model (NSM)?

(b) Describe in detail why do you a network security model?

(c) Why according to you

i. ACL

ii. VLAN, be important to security?

Question 4

(a) On which tools will war dialing take place?

(b) Do you think war dealing can be still be used nowadays?

(c) How would someone carry out war dialing?

Reference no: EM133473

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