Concept of resistance in psychodynamic therapy

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Reference no: EM133486125

Chapter 10

1. Identify the major types of stressors.

2. Explain the difference between hassles and life changes.

3. Identify the major types of psychological conflict and explain how they differ.

4. Identify the major features of PTSD.

5. Describe the stages of the GAS and the features of each stage.

6. Discuss the role of endocrine glands in the body's stress response

7. Identify the hormones released by different parts of the adrenal glands in the body's stress response.

8. Describe the concepts of burnout, psychological hardiness, and the A syndrome.

9. Identify and discuss psychological factors that buffer the effects of stress.

10. Discuss the effects of prolonged stress on the body.

11. Identify several methods involved in stress management.

Chapter 11

1. Identify the levels of consciousness in Freud's theory and explain the differences among them.

2. Explain the difference between the reality principle and the pleasure principle

3. Describe the major types of defense mechanisms.

4. Identify and describe the stages of psychosexual development in Freud's theory and the concept of fixation.

5. Identify the major concepts in Adler's personality theory.

6. Identify and describe the Big Five traits of personality.

7. Explain the difference between traditional learning theory and social-cognitive theory.

8. Identify and describe the three factors in Eysenck's model of personality.

9. Describe Cattell's16PF test of personality.

10. Describe Bandura's model of personality.

11. Describe Rogers's concepts of conditional and unconditional positive regard.

12. Explain the difference between self-concept and self-ideal in Roger's theory of personality.

13. Explain factors involves in maintaining or boosting self-esteem.

14. Describe the general purpose of a personality test.

Chapter 12

1. Define the concept of social perception.

2. Explain the difference between situational and external attributions in social perception.

3. Describe key terms in social perception: fundamental attribution error, social schema, impression formation, stereotypes, self-fulfilling prophecy, cognitive dissonance.

4. Explain the differences between discrimination, racism, and prejudice.

5. Discuss the contact hypothesis.

6. Discuss the elaboration likelihood model.

7. Define attraction and identify major factors of attraction.

8. Identify and describe major factors involved in helping.

9. Explain the decision-making model of helping.

10. Explain the differences between different types of compliance techniques.

11. Discuss Bandura's work on aggression.

12. Explain the difference between personal identity and social identity.

Chapter 13

1. Discuss the difference between normal and abnormal behavior.

2. Describe the medical model of psychological disorders.

3. Describe the theories of Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis as discussed in the text.

4. Identify and describe the major types of anxiety-related disorders.

5. Explain the difference between anxiety and fear.

6. Explain the diathesis-stress model.

7. Explain why dissociative and somatic symptom and related disorders are grouped together.

8. Identify factors associated with the development of dissociative identity disorder.

9. Identify myths associated with suicidal behavior.

10. Explain the difference between positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia.

11. Describe the major features of antisocial personality disorder.

12. Describe the major features or symptoms of schizophrenia.

Chapter 14

1. Identify and describe the major techniques used in psychoanalytic or psychodynamic therapy.

2. Describe the concept of resistance in psychodynamic therapy.

3. Explain the difference between transference and countertransference.

4. Identify and describe the major techniques used in behavior therapy.

5. Discuss the foundations of cognitive therapy.

6. Discuss the foundations of humanistic therapy.

7. Discuss the foundations of rational-emotive behavior therapy.

8. Explain the differences between client-centered therapy and Gestalt therapy.

9. Identify biomedical approaches to treatment.

10. Identity major classes of psychiatric drugs and the conditions or psychological disorders for which they are used.

Reference no: EM133486125

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