1/18/2018 7:15:45 AM
Group Process 4% of your overall mark for the Essay, will be marked by the extent of each student's contribution to the Group Process as evidenced by information obtained from the Group site.
Participation and Demonstration of ability to work collaboratively CLO S5 Comments vague if given, frequently demonstrates lack of interest, little or no contribution and did not demonstrate a basic ability to work with others Demonstrates some participation in group discussion and the basic ability to work collaboratively with others Participates in group discussions demonstrating a sound ability to work with others. Plays an active role, is fully engaged in group discussions demonstrating constructive and cooperative work with others.
1/18/2018 7:15:39 AM
Referencing CLO A1 Weight: 10% Failure to demonstrate basic use of relevant research evidence from an array of related sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the style of writing with accurate referencing. Demonstrates basic use of relevant research evidence from an array of related sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the style of writing with accurate referencing. Demonstrates some use of relevant research evidence from an array of related sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the style of writing with accurate referencing. Demonstrates intermediate use of relevant research evidence from an array of related sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the style of writing with accurate referencing. Demonstrates effective use of relevant research evidence from an array of related sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the style of writing with accurate referencing.
1/18/2018 7:15:31 AM
Vocabulary CLO A1 Weight: 10% Displays very little facility in the use of language, using very limited vocabulary or incorrect word choice. Displays developing facility in the use of language, but sometimes uses weak vocabulary or inappropriate word choice. Exhibits adequate but inconsistent facility in the use of language, using generally appropriate vocabulary. Exhibits facility in the use of language, using appropriate vocabulary. Exhibits skilled use of language, using a varied, accurate and apt vocabulary.
1/18/2018 7:15:27 AM
Technical Writing Skills CLO A1 Weight: 10% Presented work that demonstrates a lack of literacy and rudimentary writing skills. Does not convey specific meaning to target audience. Uses a basic understanding of language that conveys ideas with a number of discrepancies pertaining to grammar and or spelling. Incorporates appropriate language that generally conveys meaning to readers. Writing may include some errors in grammar and or spelling. Employs appropriate language, communicates clearly and concisely with minimal errors. Presented work is expressed coherently and concisely with no grammar and or spelling errors.
1/18/2018 7:15:21 AM
Discussion and critical analysis: SLO 2
CLO S2 Weight: 45% Discussion is disorganised or unfocussed, resulting in a disjointed or incoherent essay. Provides little or no evidence to support the discussion. Discussion is poorly organised and/or focused, or demonstrates serious problems with coherence or progression of ideas. Demonstrates weak critical thinking, providing inappropriate or insufficient examples, reasons or other supporting evidence. Discussion is limited in its organisation or focus, or may demonstrate some lapses in coherence or progression of ideas. Demonstrates some critical thinking, but may do so inconsistently or use inadequate examples, reason or other supporting evidence.
1/18/2018 7:15:07 AM
Criteria: Unsatisfactory
(0-49%) Pass
(0 - 64%) Credit
(65 - 74%) Distinction
(75% - 84%) High Distinction
(85% - 100%) Grade
Purpose and Scope: CLO A1 Weight: 25% The essay does not clearly address the purpose and/or topic. Conclusions provide little or no links to the body of the essay. The essay is vague or seriously limited in addressing the purpose and/or topic. Conclusions provide basic links to the body of the essay. The essay competently addresses the purpose and/or topic. Conclusions provide sound links to the body of the essay. The essay effectively addresses the purpose and/or topic. Conclusions provide strong links to the body of the essay. The essay effectively and insightfully addresses the purpose and/or topic. Conclusions are concise and logically linked to the body of the essay.
1/18/2018 7:15:01 AM
» Team Conflict and Disbandment: Should you have conflict in your group or a group member withdraws from your group or the subject, it is important to advise the lecturer as soon as possible and well ahead of the due date. For example: if you have not met with all of your group members by Week 5; you experience a prolonged period of dysfunctional conflict in your group; or a group member falls out of contact with the group for an extended period of time, you should notify your lecturer of your concerns. The lecturer will retain the right (after hearing claims from students andreviewing the Group site) to decide when a group should be disbanded. In exceptional circumstances, individual assessment options are available to students only after a concerted effort has been made to work with other team members.
1/18/2018 7:14:55 AM
» It should also be noted that the Group site will provide the lecturer with information on the extent of each student’s contribution and how early, late and consistently they engaged with the site. This information may in some instances, where there seems to be an imbalance in contribution levels across a group and / or a formal complaint has been lodged, be used as a basis upon which to rescale the marks awarded to individuals within the group. Again, please do not use any alternate group site e.g. personal or group Facebook sites as the marker will not have access and therefore this action will preclude any recourse.
1/18/2018 7:14:51 AM
The Group site on LearnJCU will then be used to tabulate a Group Process score out of four which will in turn count as 4 out of 20 marks toward the Essay’s overall weighting. These four marks will be awarded on an individual basis.
Working in Groups:
» Assessment Criteria and Skills Development: Assessment will be based on the criteria set out in this subject outline and/or LearnJCU.
» Working in groups, under proper conditions, encourages peer learning and peer support. Sometimes members of a group will not contribute equally to the task, resulting in some students carrying the full load or the team effort. This subject uses a peer evaluation sheet to alleviate student concerns about the contribution of individual group members. The lecturer reserves the right to reject peer and self-evaluations that are deemed inconsistent with the information obtained from the Group site.
1/18/2018 7:14:43 AM
Each Group site on LearnJCU will incorporate links to the following facilities: Group Information, File Exchange, Group Discussion, Group Journal and Send Emails. All students are required to use their BX2012 Group siteto document all group activity relating to the essay. It is also expected that all students contribute to, and update their site regularly i.e. at least once a week.
Once your site is established please complete the Group Information, use the Group Journal to provide supporting documentation e.g. meeting agendas and minutes and use the other facilities to communicate with group members regarding the Essay. Please do not use alternate group sites e.g. personal or group Facebook sites as the marker will not have access and therefore this action will preclude any recourse.
1/18/2018 7:14:37 AM
The ability to “lead, manage and contribute effectively to teams” is a key JCU Generic skill and an important skill sought by employers. An important function of this Essay is for students to work effectively and on a collaborative basis. To facilitate this process, each group will have its own dedicated BX2012 Group site on LearnJCU.
Establishment of Group Site and Participation: Once you have formed your group, advise the lecturer of your group name and membership so that support staff can develop your Group site within the BX2012 subject site on LearnJCU. This should be completed prior to the end of Week 3.
1/18/2018 7:14:32 AM
The assignment (with completed coversheet) must be submitted online by the due date to a Safe Assignment drop box on the BX2012 subject site on LearnJCU. All group members are required to sign and date the Group Task Coversheet which is to be submitted with the assignment. A word version and editable pdf version of the Group Assignment Cover Sheet can be downloaded from the Assessment link on LearnJCU. Refer Section 7 below for further Information on Assessment and Student Support. A group mark out of 100, which will in turn be converted to a score out of 16, will be awarded collectively to each group member that has authored the group essay. A Group Process score out of 4 will be awarded individually based on performance in the Group Process.
1/18/2018 7:14:17 AM
Aligned subject learning outcomes • SLO2: Explain the uses and limitations of cost data for planning operations; controlling activities; and decision making.
• CLO S2: Apply critical thinking to address issues in business.
• CLO S5: Convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for the audience.
Group or individual Group
Weighting 20%, 1,500 word limit
Due date Due beginning Week 9 - 5pm Monday 22nd