Concept of object orientation & universal modeling language

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM1379009

Question: Describe the concept of object orientation and Universal Modeling Language (UML) as used in computer programming.

Question: Discuss how do programmers use class, attributes, and methods in computer programming to solve problems?

Question: Give an example of using classes, attributes, and methods to develop a program to track attendance in multiple classes at school.


Reference no: EM1379009

Questions Cloud

Write a program that commutes the weekly pay : A corporation pay its workers as managers, hourly workers, commission workers, or pieceworkers who received a fixed amount of money per item for each of the products.
Importance of udp and the relationship to tcp : Discuss and explain what the UDP does and its relationship to TCP in what ways is it similar and different, and why would we use UDP, and why can not a user program access IP directly?
Hazards existing prior to or during the incident : Discuss briefly the assertion that ‘investment by a company in safety procedures and training reduces the risk and probability of accidents and is good for business'.
Define the terms variable and constant : Discuss and define the terms "variable" and "constant" as used in computer programming. Estimate the many types of data that can be used in developing a solution.
Concept of object orientation & universal modeling language : Describe the concept of object orientation and Universal Modeling Language as used in computer programming.
Identifying the tokens : Suppose that we are looking in a programming language that allows underscore in variable names. When a scanner sees a character string such as AB_CD.
Language without exception handling facilities : In a language without exception-handling facilities, we could send an error-handling process as a parameter to each process that can detect errors that must be handled.
Classification of symbols : In few programming languages a comment can be enclosed either in braces {} or in the symbols (* *). Discuss how do you think a scanner would group the four symbols {, }, (*, *) for purposes of classification.
Java examples to validate input : Create an algorithm that prompts the user to enter a secret word. The secret word should be at least eight characters long. Validate the input.


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