Concept of exchange underlying the principle of reciprocity

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133612214


Book- Daft, Richard L. Organization Theory & Design. Available from: Yuzu, (13th Edition). Cengage Learning US, 2020.


How would you make a decision to select a building site for a new waste-treatment plant in the Philippines? Where would you start with this complex decision, and what steps would you take? Explain which decision model in the chapter best describes your approach.

Can you think of a decision you have made in your personal, school, or work life that reflects a stronger desire to avoid a loss than to make a gain? How about a time when you stayed with an idea or project for too long, perhaps even escalating your commitment, to avoid a failure? Discuss.

State University X receives 90 percent of its financial resources from the state and, because tuition is cheap, is overcrowded with students. The admissions office is overwhelmed with applications, and the university is trying to pass regulations to limit student enrollment. Private University Y receives 90 percent of its income from student tuition and has barely enough students to make ends meet. The admissions office is actively recruiting students for next year. Using the strategic contingencies notion of power, in which university will the admissions office have greater power? What implications will this have for professors and administrators? Discuss.

Some researchers argue that the concept of exchange underlying the principle of reciprocity (trading some-thing of value to another for what you want) is the basis of all influence. Do you agree? Discuss. To what extent do you feel obligated to return a favor that is done for you?

Reference no: EM133612214

Questions Cloud

Explain the fundamental attribution error : Explain the Fundamental Attribution Error. Then describe a time in your life when you feel you encountered it. How did it affect that situation?
Discuss how ownership and management are separate in company : Discuss how ownership and management are separated in a company. To what extent does a shareholder exercise control over the management of a company?
Historic background between dominant and minority groups : Explain the historic background between dominant and minority groups in the US in sexuality.
Identify childrens readiness for culture and diversity : How do you identify school readiness and children's readiness for culture and diversity, including social factors?
Concept of exchange underlying the principle of reciprocity : The concept of exchange underlying the principle of reciprocity (trading some-thing of value to another for what you want) is the basis of all influence.
What type of media schedule is this : which includes the months of October/November and a similar period during February/March. What type of media schedule is this
What sort of responsibility do parent companies have : What sort of responsibility do parent companies (such as a technology brand) have when they contract/outsource manufacturing to other countries such as China?
Radical environmentalists and bioregionalists : What are some of affinities between radical environmentalists and bioregionalists, Some of different priorities between these two countercultural groups?
What types of insurance policy company will want to consider : Discuss what types of insurance policies company will want to consider purchasing and the reasons why & why not they may want to purchase that specific policy.


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