Concept of dishonesty in intimate relationships

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133537521


• Discuss the concept of dishonesty in intimate relationships. How do you respond to the material presented concerning "lying in college student relationships?"

• Discuss two of the four possible scenarios addressed in the section on "Love as a Context for Problems."

• Having read the material on marital success, what do you think contributes the most to marital success? Summarize what you and your spouse either do or you hope will do from the 12 characteristics presented.

Reference no: EM133537521

Questions Cloud

Describe the family structure : Briefly describe the family structure. Include individuals and any relevant attributes defining the family composition, race/ethnicity, social class.
Analyze a family theory perspective using biosocial theory : Analyze it from a family theory perspective using Biosocial Theory and one other theory from this list: Feminist Family Theory, Structural Functionalism.
Writing a treatment plan using cognitive-behavioral theory : Please discuss/explain using this technique in writing a Case Conceptualization and treatment plan using the Cognitive-Behavioral Theory.
Difference between gender and gender identity : From the readings and viewing of videos, what is the difference between gender, gender identity and sexual orientation?
Concept of dishonesty in intimate relationships : Discuss the concept of dishonesty in intimate relationships. How do you respond to the material presented concerning "lying in college student relationships?"
Identify a trauma-specific issue : Identify a trauma-specific issue and develop a two-page vignette (brief description). Depending on the choice theory, the case must be a couple or a family.
Identify a visible disability or a non-visible disability : Do you identify as someone living with a visible disability or a non-visible disability (e.g., chronic pain, psychiatric, or learning)?
Comparing cultural paradigms in america : Comparing Cultural Paradigms in America, why would it be beneficial for a social worker to understand the five cultural paradigms within the United States?
How does family engagement affect students in school : How does family engagement affect students in school and the teacher-parent relationship?


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