Concept of a social contract between business and society

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Reference no: EM131212413 , Length:


The Essay:

The concept of a social contract between business and society suggests that, though the main aim of a business is to make profit, it also has a moral obligation to act in a socially responsible manner (O'Donovan, 2002). This view asks corporations to accept greater social responsibility for their stewardship of natural resources (sustainability of natural resources) and other aspects of social life.


You are required to research information on the issues below, and then document the results of your research in an essay format (introduction, body and conclusion).

1. The meaning of corporate social reporting/sustainability reporting and the reasons companies would want to produce such reports and the reasons people would want to obtain them.

2. The costs and benefits of preparing a CSR/sustainability report.

3. The type of accounting concepts and standards that can be applied to a company's sustainability reports.

4. Provide your opinion on whether CSR/sustainability reporting should be voluntary or mandatory. You must justify your opinion and provide at least two points for each side of the argument

O'Donovan, G 2002, ‘Environmental disclosure in the annual report - Extending the applicability and predictive power of legitimacy theory' Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, vol.15, iss.3, pp344-371.

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This task is about corporate social responsibility. It is 800 words task. It is MS-Word report. In this report, meaning of CSR, reasons for using CSR, cost and benefits of CSR and types of accounting concepts and standards are discussed in detail. Besides this, it is also described in report that CSR report should be volunteer or mandatory... Harvard referencing is done..

Reference no: EM131212413

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9/19/2016 6:36:05 AM

Please write it in strict accordance with requirement,use reliable resource like journals.Please write it carefully, I really need these marks.Only the online submissions via CloudDeakin within the submission period will be marked.


9/19/2016 6:35:33 AM

• You are expected to undertake research in order to complete this task. Review of Chapter 17 in the textbook can be a good point to start with. Your research must also include further primary-source references (i.e. peer-reviewed journals and scholarly books). • Word Limit: 800 words (excluding references), double-spaced, 12-point Ariel or Times New Roman font. A word count must be included. Students exceeding the word limit by more than 10% will incur a mark penalty. • Students must submit a properly referenced assignment that complies with the Harvard referencing style. This includes in-text citations and a reference list. • You must keep a copy of your submission until the assignment results are released.

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