Reference no: EM132949888
CON5TE3 Construction Technology - University College of Estate Management
Learning outcome 1: Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the principles of complex construction projects from an environment, building, technology and sustainability perspective.
Learning outcome 2: Develop technical arguments in the selection and application of techniques, including construction and environmental issues; and apply and evaluate within complex projects.
Learning outcome 3: Discuss, address and/or apply legislation, standards or regulations on complex projects.
Learning outcome 4:Critically evaluate and communicate clearly, concisely, effectively and independently on the appropriateness of different approaches in investigating complex construction projects in order to devise solutions.
Case study
This assessment relates to the Urban Regeneration, Development Case Study, available in the Module Information area on the VLE pages for this module. The general project description and conceptual site images are included with the case study material.
You should refer to the Urban Regeneration, Development Case Study, as you prepare your assignment.
You are an assistant surveyor, and you work for an International Construction Consultancy, Scala Consultancy Ltd (SCL), who provide consultancy services in the areas of project and programme management; cost consultancy; and facilities management.
The freeholder of the whole scenario site is Bank of London, Canton and Shanghai (aka BCS). BCS have designated uses for each site as set out in the above scenario. Each site is to be developed by individual developers or group of developers as designated by BCS.
Although each site has different uses and different development proposals allocated to it BCS would like to set a consistent construction standard and guidance across the development and have approached SCL to provide a design guide and development manual to achieve this, called a Development Fit Out Guide. Your manager is part of the team developing this guide and has asked you to concentrate on four separate aspects of the development, (other staff members will be covering other areas), and provide answers to the following issues and queries which have been raised by the team who are preparing the overall Development Fit Out Guide.
You are required to consider and respond to the each of the following aspects of the development.
In your answer you are required to provide a brief overall introduction, confirming your brief from your manager to prove that you have understood what is required of you.
Your response should be one submission addressing each aspect in order:
a. With regard to Buildings C and F and in relation to Fire Safety set out answers to the following:
• an explanation of the difference between ‘active' and ‘passive' fire safety systems so the developer understands the distinction and provide examples of each that would be suitable for these buildings.
• a description of the primary intent and approach to active and passive fire safety methods that must be considered for buildings C and F given their respective function. Give an indication to the potential developer of that site what is expected of them.
b. With regard to Site D: Set out the key areas of technical concern that you feel needs to be provided by BCS for a future owner of Site D that shows that separating assemblies are more effective in reducing sound transfer between units in the new blocks of flats and across party walls in the proposed new terraced houses, while still being compliant with all other governing building regulations.
c. With regard to Site E
• provide guidance and reasoning for that particular site on the processes involved in making sure that the demolition is conducted safely, legally, efficiently and sustainably so that the team preparing the Development Fit Out Guide can advise accordingly
• Victorian three-storey masonry front façade has to be retained as per the requirements of the local planning authority. Set out the activities that you consider should be included in the Development Fit Out Guide that are needed to be undertaken before works start on site to carry out such an operation and provide a reasoned recommendation as to how the façade can be supported temporarily until such time as the steel frame for the new build is attached.
d. With regard to the station building a basement is proposed. Critically discuss the relative merits of two different approaches to the design and construction of the deep basement as a whole and provide recommendations as to which method would be appropriate for this project so that the team preparing the Development Fit Out Guide can advise accordingly.
Attachment:- Construction Technology.rar