Computing today investment amount

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM1333414

John Hsu wants to start a business in 10 years. He hopes to have $100,000 at that time to invest in the business. To reach his goal, he plans to invest a certain amount today in a bank CD that will pay him 9.50 percent annually. How much will he have to invest today to achieve his target? (Round to the nearest dollar.)

Reference no: EM1333414

Questions Cloud

Explain why do you think participants voted : Explain why do you think 75 percent of the participants voted against the proposal.
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Hinder successful implementation of a quantitative model : Hinder successful implementation of a quantitative model
Illustrate what are two reasons economists support : Illustrate what are two reasons economists support free trade. Can you list what three of those assumptions likely.
Computing today investment amount : John Hsu desires to start the business in 10 years. He hopes to have $100,000 at that time to invest in the business. How much will he have to invest today to acomplish his target?
Component of the human resource management structure : Human resource planning is considered the most important component of the human resource management (HRM) structure
Kurt lewin-s model for change : Research Kurt Lewin's model for change. Then, discuss the three-staged de-biasing process (unfreezing, change, and refreezing) and explain the mechanisms that make each of them hard to implement.
The key protest contentions : If you do protest, what could be some of the key protest contentions?
When the goal of a headquarters is to integrate closely : When the goal of a headquarters is to integrate closely with a subsidiary, it becomes essential to understand culturally-defined behaviours and values, in addition to local laws and practices.


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