Reference no: EM131749725
Study the memorandum (form 26) prepared by M. Ubahn, your assistant. It contains all the information you need to design a CPM network for the northway project. Remember that the first event (circle in your network should be the northway decision; the last should be the beginning of construction. you will find that there are two distinct phases of the implementation process, and each has its own critical paths.
Step two: calculate the estiminated time of completion of each event, identifying the critical path for each phase and computing the amount of slack in the noncritical paths
Step 3: Answer the questions.
To: J. La Rue, Senior Policy Analyst, Community Transportation Planning
From: M. Ubahn, junior Policy Analyst, Community Transportation Planning.
RE: Northway Preconstruction Planning.
Per your instructions, I have assembled the data necessary to produce a CPM implementaion analysis of the northway project. Herewith is a summary:
1. Preliminary highway design, required for all subsequent action, should require 45 days
2. preparation of a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will require 60 days.
3. Following release of the EIS, 2 days of public hearings must be scheduled prior to submission of documentation to the Evironmental Protection Agency (EPA). an additional 3 days will be necessary to pull together all paperwork after the hearings.
4. EPA approval will require approximately 60 days.
5. Formal approval of the preliminary design by our highway counterparts in SDOT [ State Department of Transportation} should require on 5 days from submission. They don't need to wait for EPA results, of course.
6. Because of the new state Agricultural Lands Preservation statute, we'll need to clear the preliminary design with DOA [State Department of Agriculture]. It will take approximate 30 days to prepare the paperwork after the preliminary design is completed for the DOA submission. An additional 30 days will be required for DOA consideration, Interagency coordination, and apporval.
7. Following EPA, DOA, and SDOT responses to the preliminary design, 60 days will be necessary to make modifications and prepare the final highway design. This includes the time necessaryto clear any changes with the interested agencies.
8. Once the final highway design has been prepared and approved, two further activities can commerce: land acquisition and contract preparation and bidding. these activities can proceed independently of one another. It will require 90 days to acquire the necessary land and 65 days to prepare and award construction contracts.
9. Once all the necessary land has been acquired, SDOT surveyors will require 14 days to complete their work.
10. After all contracts have been prepared and bid, 21 days will required to certify and award contracts.
11. Construction can begin once contracts have been certified and awarded and once the survey work is completed.
Form 27: CPM network for Northway Planning.
Form 28 CPM Calculations
1. Identify below the amount of time it will take to complete each event in your CPM network. You can determine this by summing the time consumed by all necessary activities preceding the event.
event Expected time of completion