Computing desired probability values

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM13114679

Using the following project information (Times are estimates in weeks):

Activity Optimistic Time Most Likely Time Pessimistic Time Immediate Predecessor(s) Variance Expected Time

A 3 6 9 none 1.000 6.00

B 3 5 7 A 0.444 5.00

C 4 7 12 A 1.778 7.33

D 4 8 10 B 1.000 7.67

E 5 10 16 C 3.361 10.17

F 3 4 5 D,E 0.111 4.00

G 3 6 8 D,E 0.694 5.83

H 5 6 10 F 0.694 6.33

I 5 8 11 G 1.000 8.00

J 3 3 3 H,I 0.000 3.00

The critical path is A-C-E-G-I-J.

a) Calculate the probability that the project will be completed in 38 weeks.

b) Calculate the probability that the project will be completed in 42 weeks.

Reference no: EM13114679

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