Computes the area of a rectangle

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13184113

Question 1:

Create an object oriented application with C# that computes the area of a rectangle, and the area and the volume of a cuboid.

Based on the inheritance concept, create a base class called Rectangle (The parent class) and a derived class called Cuboid (The child class) as shown in Figure 1.

1439_Computes the area of a rectangle.png

Figure 1

The formulas that you require for your calculation are as follows:

o   Area of a rectangle:    (length * width)

o   Area of a cuboid:         (4 * length * width) + (2 * length* length)

o   Volume of a cuboid:     (length * width * length)

The output of the application will look like the following:

1884_Computes the area of a rectangle1.png

Question 2:

The Question: Write a C# program that implements the following:

Let us define here an abstract super-class named Employee, a first derived class named RegularEmployee and a second derived class named SalesEmployee.

The SalesEmployee class includes an extra property, salesbonus, and overrides the method CalculatePay() in order to take it into account.

1. The base abstract class Employee contains:

  • A string attribute name and a protected decimal attribute basepay. Indeed, Basepay is defined as protected, so that it may be accessed only by this class and derrived classes.
  • A constructor to set the name and basepay values.
  • An abstract method CalculatePay() returning the basepay and can be overridden.

2. The first derived class RegularEmployee from Employee contains:

  • The constructor calls the base-class version.
  • Override the CalculatePay() method.

3. The second derive class SalesEmployee from Employee containing:

  • New field salesbonus that will affect the base pay.
  • The constructor calls the base-class version, andinitializes the salesbonus field.
  • Override the CalculatePay() method to take bonus into account.

4. The main method of your program, implement the following:

  • Print the following message: *** Welcome to Employee program ***
  • Create an object called employee1 from class RegularEmployee. Pass name and basepay here as Abdulla and 1200 respectively.
  • Create an object called employee2 from class SalesEmployee. Pass name, basepay and salesbonus here as Mohamed, 1000 and 500 respectively.

Display the following messages:

The first employee Abdulla earned: 1200

The second employee Mohamed earned: 1500

The final output of your program should look like the screen shot below

1539_Computes the area of a rectangle2.png

Reference no: EM13184113

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