Computes interest on a credit card balance

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13695827

You need to prepare a program that evaluates interest on a credit card balance.

Program: Write a C++ object oriented program which computes interest on a credit card balance. The task is done with a function that accepts initial balance, monthly interest rate, number of months for which the interest must be paid. The value returned is the interest due.

Allow repeat at user's option. Note Interest is compounded. Function is to be embedding in a program that acquires these values and outputs the interest due. Repeat of computation at user's option is to be allowed.

Use Object Oriented design.

Need Codeblocks with the gnu compiler and need three files, the main.cpp, the .h header file, and the .cpp file for the implementation.

Please keep it simple and short and no copy and paste or at least help me get started?

Reference no: EM13695827

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