Computer applications that run on desktop and laptop

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13371230

Computer applications that run on desktop and laptop computers have, for a long time, been designed to be driven by dragging and clicking a mouse. With the introduction of tablet personal computers, the trend has shifted toward using touch-based screens. We now have access to touch-based TVs, touch-based monitors, and touch-based laptops. Touch and multi-touch devices provide end users with the ability to interact physically with an application much more naturally. Imagine that you have been assigned the task of redesigning your company's applications to run on all devices. Examine a multi-touch computer monitor and a mouse-driven computer monitor and think about how the end user interacts with an application running on each of these types of monitors.

Write a four to five page paper in which you:

1.Compare and contrast the metaphors used in the design of applications that run on each type of monitor. Use Microsoft Visio, Microsoft PowerPoint, or any other modeling tool to create.

2. Differentiate between the interaction types and styles that apply to these monitors and applications running on them.

3. Explain the conceptual model employed in the design of these types. Describe the analogies and concepts these monitors expose to users, including the task-domain objects users manipulate on the screen.

4.Use at least three quality resources in this assignment.

Reference no: EM13371230

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