Compute value of k when the root locus cross imaginary axis

Assignment Help Simulation in MATLAB
Reference no: EM131463383


Sketch the root locus for K ≥ 0 in the equation 1+ KL(s) = 0 and the listed choices for L(s). Clearly show your steps in order to receive credits. Also, analytically determine the value of K when the root locus cross the imaginary axis (if applicable) for each case. You should hand sketch the root locus but you may check your work with MATLAB.

a. L(s) = 1 / [s (s + 4) (s + 7)]
b. L(s) = 1 / [s (s2 +3s + 7)]
c. L(s) = (s + 3) / [s (s + 2) (s +6)]

Reference no: EM131463383

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