Compute the net expected value for the project

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379690

You are considering to make modifications to an existing application. You have identified:
30 percent probability of delay of receipt of resources - cost $50,000.

20 percent probability that the resources will be $10,000 cheaper than planned.

25 percent probability that there will be a problem integrating with existing software, cost to fix $3,500.

30 percent probability that the development may be simpler than expected, savings $2,500.
5 percent probability of a design defect causing $5,000 of rework.

Compute the net expected value for the project risks and opportunities cited above. How much should you plan for your contingency reserve budget based on the above? You must show all of your calculations. How much would you allocate for the management reserve? What are your assumptions about these reserves?

Reference no: EM1379690

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